Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Why it takes longer for women to lose weight after 40.

While many of us wish that we could enjoy our lifestyles and not worry about gaining those calories, once a woman turns 40 or gives birth it becomes increasingly difficult to lose weight.

Despite there being several weight loss programs for women, some of the key reasons as to why not only losing weight after 40 for females becomes tough, but also why women gain weight after delivery:
  • Sleep Deprivation: Women often get disturbed sleep when they are in their middle-age, often due to night waking of young children or due to the onset of perimenopause. Not getting proper sleep is linked to an increased in obesity and diabetes, as it becomes harder for the body to regulate glucose which can lead to insulin resistance thus causing weight gain.
  • Anxiety and stress: A new mom’s duty demands her to be on her feet for almost 24 hours in a day leaving her exhausted and stressed. Stress and anxiety are an inevitable part of taking care of a baby. However, one should be careful as increasing stress hormones slow down your metabolism. The best way to lose weight after pregnancy is to maintain a healthy balanced diet that includes fruits, dairy products, and nuts. New moms should follow a diet plan post pregnancy that focuses on consumption of adequate water and healthy fluids while avoiding the consumption of empty calories in the form of desserts or sugar – sweetened beverages.
  • Slower Metabolism: As a woman approaches perimenopause, the estrogen level begins to decline. As a result, the body loses muscle mass which in turn results in a decrease in metabolism. The loss of estrogen leads to inefficient metabolism that increases insulin resistance. Increase in insulin resistance can lead to diabetes and heart diseases.
Here are some tips that will help you lose weight after 40:
  • Move your body: Try to incorporate aerobics or cardio to boost metabolism and light weight training to increase muscle mass in your weekly workout routine.
  • Cut Calories: One of the ways to lose weight fast is to follow a diet that involves cutting down your calories to a certain extent but not too drastically. The best diet plan for a 40 year old should ideally include small portion sizes consisting of lean protein like chicken and fish, complex carbs like whole grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits as well as healthy fats such as Ghee/Olive Oil.
  • Eat Breakfast: Another quick tip on how to reduce weight would be consume a heavy breakfast that is healthy and nourishing and includes protein based foods like eggs, yogurt, fresh fruits etc. One should also avoid skipping any meals as it messes with your metabolism, thereby sending a signal to your body to stick to the stored calories instead of burning them quickly.
Although losing weight post 40 may seem like a challenge, it is essential to follow all these steps to ensure a healthy lifestyle.

Monday, 24 December 2018

Does Age Affect Our Ability To Lose Weight?

Yes, to answer questions like this regarding weight loss in is tough, it is hard to lose weight after a certain age or once you start getting old. Losing weight becomes tough. The reason being your metabolism, your metabolism becomes slower. However, you do not gain weight because of your age, as there are ways to control and manage it. Once you are aware of the reasons for your weight gain, there are ways to outsmart it as well.

However, weight loss for senior citizens and for people after the age of 40-50, they start losing your muscle mass and start feeling inactive day by day. They keep losing your muscle mass percentage by 1% every year. Even when they gain weight, they gain fat mass and not muscle mass most of the time.
When you reach your thirties, there is a certain fall in the hormonal levels, and hence the weight gain and the slowing down of the metabolism. It is believed that after reaching the age of 35-40, adults tend to gain 1-2lbs around the middle area every year.
Weight loss for older males:
High testosterone levels help men remain lean and muscular till the age of 30, after reaching the thirties, the testosterone levels fall, and the men fall in the pit of weight gain and muscle loss.
Weight loss for older females:
For the women, a woman’s body has a delicate balance of progesterone and estrogen throughout a woman’s fertile years. Higher levels of estrogen are known to increase fat tissue formation, but for younger women, this effect is offset by equally high levels of progesterone.
However, after the age of 40-50, women experience, which causes an imbalance between progesterone and estrogen and eventually leads to weight gain around the middle area.
There are certain ways, where the age barrier will not stop people from achieving their ideal weight and support them in weight loss.
Some of the weight loss tips for older adults are:
  1. Increase your protein intake: Protein is considered to be the building block of muscle gain, however as you grow old with age, due to the dip in the testosterone levels, you lose your muscle mass. Hence, in order to gain it back, one must include protein rich foods in every meal they consume.
  2. Eat more veggies and fruits: Veggies and fruits fill your stomach and you can consume them in huge quantities. They are a great replacement for high carbs, high sugar, and high fats food. Fruits are very beneficial for your body as they come in the form of natural sugar and can be consumed in huge quantities without giving you the stress of weight gain.
  3. Eat Less in the Night: Consumption of food should be least in the night, as the body goes to sleep in the night, it does not process the fats, carbs, sugar that you consumed and directly stores it in the form of fat mass in the body which eventually leads to weight gain. Hence, it is said, “Eat your dinner like a beggar”, in order to stay fit.
  4. Pay Attention to what you are consuming: You tend to skip meals when you are over-working and eventually not pay attention to what you actually have to control those hunger pangs. We also tend to have our meal while watching the television or doing something else and not concentrate on what we are having. It is also necessary to tell your brain about your consumption in order to get a change in your body.
  5. Exercise regularly: There is no age barrier to exercising which is often misunderstood. People tend to believe that as they grow they lose their energy to exercise which is false. One must keep exercising till the time they live. Exercising just does not mean doing vigorous workouts but it can also be as simple as taking a walk in their building colony.
In conclusion, the aging process does not necessarily lead to weight gain, weight loss can also happen by following a few lifestyle habits in order to stay fit. One must always keep in mind these 3 things: a strong desire for your results, a practical plan to produce those results, and a support system to help you overcome your challenges.

Saturday, 22 December 2018

Health Eating When You’re Older

Ageing and Time are two things that don’t stop for anyone; or anything. After a point of time in one’s life, the body becomes comparatively weaker to our younger self, based on the food that we eat. Old people don’t require the same amount of kilojoules as the body is less active, but it will always require nutrients to have a healthy life. Sometimes more nutrition is required – such as milk for calcium to keep the bones strong, and foods that have more energy.

Here are some healthy eating tips for the elderly:
  • Be Physically Active –
More than having a diet plan for an old age person, exercising regularly is the key integral aspect that would keep one healthy. A regular stretching of the body accompanied by a light run or a jog will ensure that the body goes through the wear and tear every day and thus functions well.
  • Nutritional Food –
Some essential foods for senior citizens would be to eat fruits and vegetables. They can be fresh, frozen, or canned. Eat more dark green vegetables such as leafy greens or broccoli, and orange vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes. Vary protein choices with more fish, beans, and peas. Eat at least three ounces of whole-grain cereals, bread, crackers or rice every day.
  • Drink Plenty of Water –
Along with a proper diet for senior citizens, water is equally important. As people get older, they often don’t feel thirsty even when their body wants fluids. They need to take regular drinks, which can include water and other drinks such as soda water, fruit juice and milk. Small amounts of tea and coffee can also be included in order to keep their system and body hydrated.
Other than the above, there are a few dietary guidelines for the elderly that one needs to follow to have a fit lifestyle. These are:
  • Choose foods that are high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and wholegrain varieties of bread and cereals, to encourage good bowel health.
  • Be sure to eat protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, soy, beans, and nuts. Our need for protein increases when we reach our 70s – protein in the diet helps heal wounds, which can be important as older people often undergo more injuries and surgeries.
  • Enjoy foods high in calcium such as low-fat milk, cheese, custard and yoghurt to help prevent or slow the progression of osteoporosis. Calcium-enriched soy milk and fish with soft, edible bones such as canned salmon or sardines, are the most popular healthy food for old age.
  • Vitamin D is also important in bone health for old age diet and nutrition. We mainly get Vitamin D from sunlight, and smaller amounts from foods including dairy products, cheese, eggs etc. If you are mostly confined indoors and don’t get much exposure to sunlight, you should seek advice from a medical professional about Vitamin D supplements.
  • Limit the saturated fats you eat and keep an eye on your total fat intake.
  • Limit the use of salt and choose foods that are low in salt. As the years go by, sadly our sense of taste can decrease. But rather than adding salt, have a look at other ways to add flavour to foods, such as with spices or fresh herbs.
As you become more seasoned, in case you’re overweight, you’ll turn out to be less versatile. This can influence your well-being and personal satisfaction. Being overweight likewise builds your risk of infections, for example, coronary illness and diabetes.
Being underweight isn’t sound either and might be an indication that you’re not eating enough or that you’re unwell. Being underweight likewise builds your risk of osteoporosis.
In case you’re stressed over your weight, and don’t know what the ideal healthy weight for older adults, request that your specialist check it. They may allude you to a dietitian, who can teach you how to reduce weight and help to change what you eat to meet your present needs and put you on weight loss diet.

Friday, 21 December 2018

Dangers of Keto DIet

A keto diet is famous for being a low carb diet to initiate weight loss, where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. By lowering the intake of carbs, and increasing the intake of fats, our body is induced into a state of ketosis. Ketosis is a natural process the body initiates to aid us to survive when the food intake is low. Although the end goal of a keto diet is to lose weight by forcing the body into a metabolic state, this can have adverse short term and long terms side effects on the body.
  1. Keto Flu
One of the most common side effects of Keto diet is the keto flu. Sudden carbohydrate withdrawal leads to people reporting mood swings, irritation, fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Keto flu is one of the main reasons for stopping progress on a ketogenic diet as the body takes time to adapt to use fat to fuel.
  1. Heart Diseases and Keto Diabetes
Another major health risk associated with following a ketogenic diet is increased risk of heart diseases and keto diet diabetes. Also known as a cardiologist’s nightmare, ketogenic diet adds to increased cholesterol due to high intake of fatty foods. In certain cases, it may raise the risk of dying from cancer and may also result in heart attacks among other cardiovascular diseases.
  1. Loss of Muscle Tissues
The longer you are on a ketogenic diet, the more fat you burn as this diet for weight loss may lead to loss of muscle tissue. While protein is considered as the powerhouse muscle builder, carbohydrates are vital in maintaining and forming muscles. In the process of losing muscles, there are high possibilities of the heart getting damaged as well.
  1. Nutritional Deficiencies
Another danger of following a keto diet is that may introduce nutritional deficiencies due to not being able to consume adequate minerals, vitamins and nutrients. Renowned nutritionists around the globe do no recommend this as a long-term diet as it is not a balanced diet.  Keto diet also eliminates the consumption of essential food groups such as legumes, beans, whole grains, certain fruits, and vegetables.
  1. Athletic Underperformance
Although athletes claim that following a keto diet has led to improved performances due to rapid weight loss, dieticians do not agree with this. Studies have shown that the human body is in a more acidic state when it’s in ketosis, which may limit its ability to perform at peak levels.
  1. Loss of Electrolyte
When you switch to a keto diet, and radically reduce the intake of carbs and processed foods, the body’s sodium and electrolyte levels also decrease. Due to this, you are likely to face symptoms as racing heartbeat, palpitations, dizziness, constipation, and bloating.
  1. Instant Weight Gain
Apart from this, one of the main problems people face after they discontinue their ketogenic diet is instant weight gain. Keto diet is very restrictive and therefore becomes an inappropriate diet to follow in the long term. Once the person goes back to devouring carbs, they are very likely to reverse the effect of keto diet by putting on excess weight. This diet mainly appeals to people who have unhealthy relationships with food thus leading to issues relating to portion control and binge eating.
In conclusion, every coin has two sides, keto will help to reduce weight, boost energy, prevent certain diseases only if it is performed in the appropriate manner. Going to extreme lengths and radically changing your diet may not be suitable for your body.

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Why do you always feel hungry?

What are hunger pangs? Hunger pangs (also called hunger pains) are the result of an irritation of the lining of the stomach, it’s what you feel when you are feeling hungry all the time. Do you ever wonder why you are always hungry? When the stomach empties after the digestion of a meal, its walls come into contact and rub against each other, causing discomfort. This is one of the common symptoms of being hungry and feeling hungry all the time.
There are various causes and effects of hunger pangs which leads to the notion of you feeling hungry most of the times even when you aren’t really hungry, as there are many harmful effects of starvation on the human body. Hence, one must be aware of the signs and symptoms of starvation.
Some of the causes are:

  • When you feel dehydrated.
Mild dehydration is often misunderstood as severe feeling of being hungry. This feeling of dehydration is caused by the confusion that takes place in the hypothalamus, which is a part of the brain that regulates both thirst and appetite. Dehydration can often be solved by drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day. In this way, one will feel hydrated enough to avoid getting hunger pangs.
  • When you load up on starchy carbs.
One must have noticed that whenever we have a donut, or a cookie, or a pastry we usually have the urge of eating more then, and that urge then leaves us to leave only a few cookie crumbs inside that big cookie box. Simple carbs, the kind found in sugary, white flour foods like pastries, crackers, and cookies, spike your blood sugar levels quickly, then leave them plunging soon after. That blood sugar plunge causes intense hunger for more sugary carbs, and the cycle continues. In order to avoid such fluctuating blood sugar levels, one must have more complex and filling carbs that consist more of fiber like almonds, apples, etc. If one is looking for tips on weight gain, it might be helpful to indulge in carbs, but not otherwise.
  • When you consume too much of alcohol
One most often misunderstands the feeling of dehydration with hunger pangs right after a good consumption of alcohol. Alcohol usually tricks you into feeling hungrier when actually, it is the feeling of dehydration where your body needs that one glass of water. Alcohol actually makes you dehydrated. One can avoid that by having 2 glasses of water over those 2 slices of pizza. This water trick can also help sometimes as part of a quick weight loss diet plan.
  • When one must have more of proteins
It is usually said that one must eat less in order to lose weight and control their hunger patterns but the contrary, it is said by most of the dieticians that one must fill their plates with a lot of food that includes more of lean proteins like dals, meat, paneer, sprouts, etc. Proteins not only does give you the feeling of fullness but also has a suppressing appetite effect. It also does increase your metabolism and solves a lot other health-related problems.
  • When you skip your meals
Skipping meals tends to leave your stomach empty for long periods of time which then backfires on you in the form of strong hunger pangs. Hence, it is said that must keeping having something in every two hours throughout the day in order to avoid satiety.
  • When you are on some kind of medication
Certain medicines that you might be taking in order to treat a certain health disease leaves you with a side effect of feeling hungry even after having a normal sized meal. One can avoid this by consulting a doctor and asking for an alternate drug.

In conclusion, hunger pangs or having the feeling of hungriness is something that one can work on by avoiding a few things and substituting them with healthier options.

Friday, 30 November 2018

How PCOS might be affecting your weight

Trying to lose weight but the weighing machine just doesn’t seem to comply? There is more to it than meets the eye when it comes to weight gain.  Binge eating unhealthy food, large portion size, inactive lifestyle, less sleep or even stress are not the only reasons why your favorite pair of jeans doesn’t fit anymore.
One such medical reason is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Women diagnosed with PCOS often find it extremely difficult to lose weight. Medical reasons can also cause weight gain and no matter how much you exercise or even go on a strict healthy diet plan the weight seems to increase. Polycystic ovary syndrome patients with high Body Mass Index tend to have functional disorders.
However, it isn’t quite clear if polycystic ovary syndrome and weight gain have a cause and effect relationship. PCOS is a condition characterized by an imbalance of reproductive hormones i.e. too many androgens, or “male hormones” in particular. Such an imbalance can often result in nasty weight gain around the waist area, which in turn results in more fat accumulation. The fat near the abdominal area reduces responsiveness to insulin making you likely to gain more weight. With PCOS, the bodies metabolism rate is lower than average. Women suffering from PCOS often complain about their hunger hormone being all over the place; they feel hungry even when their body does not need food.
Along with insulin resistance, women suffering from PCOS experience emotional imbalance and find themselves to be over-stressed or even depressed.
High blood pressure, sleep apnea, infertility, type 2 diabetes and Endometrial cancer are risks associated with PCOS and weight gain. Many of these conditions can lead to heart disease. In fact, women with PCOS are four to seven times more likely to have a heart attack than women of the same age without the condition.
It is often observed that along with the right medical treatment and well-scheduled exercise one can lose weight inspite of having Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Losing weight can restore normal functioning of hormones and reduce insulin resistance by 50%.
Tips for losing weight with PCOS:
  1. Eat without distraction, as it helps reduce overeating
  2. Add spices to your food, a sprinkle cinnamon in your coffee or tea can help
  3. Squat it out! A great exercise that is fantastic for losing weight, as well as keeping fit.
  4. Add more walking in your day, spending any spare time exercising can go a long way.
  5. Say no to processed food.
The best way to lose weight is by achieving the right combination of physical workout and diet.
Experts recommend best diet for PCOS containing low-carb, high-fiber and low-sugar to women suffering from PCOS, they also recommend exercising first and then eating to regulate body metabolism. Focus on making small changes to your lifestyle and that should help! PCOS and its effects can be combated with the right care and adjustments.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

It’s harder to lose weight when you are short- Myth or Reality?

Do you have problems reaching the top shelf? Is it even harder to find an outfit of your size? These problems, that have stumbled across your way due to the fact that you are on the shorter side, might make life seem harder than usual.
Then, you hear that it might be harder to lose weight if you are short. And you hope that it’s a myth that has no logical or scientific reason behind it. Well, it’s time to find out!
Why is it harder to lose weight when you are short?
 Let’s assume that you are 5’2” and your friend is 5’8”. Then, you will be required to consume far less amount of calories than your friend in order to lose the same amount of weight; considering all the other factors including activity level and overall health, are constant.
This is because your muscle mass and the speed at which your metabolism works are directly related to each other i.e. the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you are likely to burn doing the same activity. Taller people have more muscle mass just owing to their body structure. Thus, they are more likely to burn calories faster than shorter people, while doing the same activity. This is the reason why shorter people have to follow diet tips for slow metabolism more rigorously than taller people do.
Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) determines how many calories your body burns at rest. Lean muscle mass has an impact on your BMR. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your BMR will be, and the more you can eat. Thus, higher your BMR is, the less work you have to do to account for extra calories eaten.
An average woman has a BMR of 1,400 calories per day. Women who are shorter than 5 feet have BMRs of 1,200 calories while those who are taller than 5’9” have BMRs of about 1,750 or more. These figures indicate the number of calories lost if a person sleeps for 24 hours. It is evidently clear, the taller you are, the more calories you burn with lesser effort.
So, how do short women stay in shape? 
Looking for some weight loss tips? Being short is just a roadblock in your quest to lose weight and it’s definitely not the end. You can easily lose weight if you do it the right way. We’ve got the best weight loss program for women that you can use to keep yourself in shape.
These short girl weight loss tips can help you immensely in your “quest for shape” –
  1. You need a diet plan to lose weight: In order to lose weight, you need to take in the right amount of calories that you can burn through the course of the day. It is also necessary to have the calories in the right form. Protein is really good for weight loss and so are vitamins and minerals. Protein not only keeps you fuller for longer, but it helps your body build and repair muscles -just what you need for a higher BMR. Vitamins and minerals are also very helpful for your muscle mass.
  2. Lift weights: You can catch up with the metabolic rates of your taller friends by lifting weights. Keep this in mind that the heavier you lift, the better off you are. Thus, it is better to lift 10kg weights once rather than lifting 4kg weights thrice. Since lifting weights will increase your metabolism, it will help you burn calories faster. In turn, this will help you grow thinner.
  3. Eat for your needs: While it is unhealthy to eat more than you need just to satisfy your mind, it is also unhealthy to go on a crash diet as it slows up your metabolism even further. Thus, it is in your best interests that you eat for your needs, not more or less.
  4. Consult an expert: Speak to a registered dietitian or a health expert regarding what is the best way to go forward for you. Also, there is a BMI calculator for women and calorie calculator for weight loss that will help you go about in planning your way forward in terms of your diet.
With this, we can conclude, it is hard to lose weight when you are short, but surely not impossible! With the right kind of diet and lifestyle, there’s always hope.

Monday, 24 September 2018

A nutritious diet, not just for weight loss but for overall health

 Nutritious Diet for Weight Loss

You want to lose weight and you type how to lose weight in a week on Google, hoping to land onto a crash diet that works magic on your body and your fat just vanishes into thin air. Well, most of the times you end up disappointed as nothing works the magic that was promised. While when it does actually work and you lose quite a lot of weight, you tend to gain it back almost as quickly as you lost it or maybe at double the speed.
What you actually need is a healthy diet plan to lose weight. A quick weight loss diet plan is not going to work in the long run, it might even be harmful to your body. It is necessary to have nutrition food for weight loss. You need to follow a balanced diet program that consists of all the necessary nutrients that your body requires, in the right quantities. A consistent intake of a balanced diet is the best diet to lose weight fast.
Also, a calorie calculator for food as well as a body mass index calculator are amazing tools to customize your balanced diet according to your body.
What is a balanced diet?
A balanced diet is a diet that consists of the right amount of calories consumed in the right form, in the form of nutrients that your body requires for its functioning. A balanced diet can be achieved by consuming the majority of your calories in the form of :-
  1. Fruits
Fruit is one of the six essential food groups recommended for a healthy diet. Fruits are the best food that can be consumed on an empty stomach. It acts as a great source of nutrition as well as a good snack. Although fruits are high on sugar, they contain natural sugars. Besides, there are several low-sugar fruits available such as citrus and peaches. It should also be noted that fruits are far more helpful when consumed in a raw form, rather than as a juice.
  1. Vegetables
Vegetables contain essential vitamins and minerals and they are full of fiber too. This makes them a crucial component of a healthy diet. There are various sub-groups under vegetables: dark green vegetables, orange vegetables, dry beans and peas, starchy vegetables and many other vegetables. All of them are great sources of nutrition, but green leafy vegetables are the ones that have the most nutrition value.
  1. Proteins
Proteins primarily help with the development of the brain, muscles, skin, and hair. A typical adult should consume a maximum 50 grams of protein per day. Meats and beans are rich sources of proteins. For those who do not eat meat; tofu, tempeh, and other soy-based products are excellent sources of protein too.
  1. Dairy
Dairy products provide essential nutrients such as Calcium and Vitamin D. Yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, dips and other cultured dairy foods, along with milk, butter and cheese are choices. These products should be taken in moderation though, as they are major sources of fats as well. 
  1. Oils
Oils should be consumed in very low quantities. It is better to opt for low-fat and low-sugar versions of products that contain oil, such as salad dressing and mayonnaise. Good oils can replace fattier vegetable oil in your diet. Olive oil can be considered as a good choice of oil, for your health.
  1. Grains
Whole grains are low in fat and high in fiber. Additionally, they contain complex carbohydrates that help you to feel full longer and prevent overeating. Whole grain bread and whole wheat flour contain whole grains as their primary ingredient. They should be consumed in the right amount.

Monday, 17 September 2018

It's harder to lose weight when you are short- Myth or Reality

Weight Loss Tips for Short Tips 
Do you have problems reaching the top shelf? Is it even harder to find an outfit of your size? These problems, that have stumbled across your way due to the fact that you are on the shorter side, might make life seem harder than usual.
Then, you hear that it might be harder to lose weight if you are short. And you hope that it’s a myth that has no logical or scientific reason behind it. Well, it’s time to find out!
Why is it harder to lose weight when you are short?
 Let’s assume that you are 5’2” and your friend is 5’8”. Then, you will be required to consume far less amount of calories than your friend in order to lose the same amount of weight; considering all the other factors including activity level and overall health, are constant.
This is because your muscle mass and the speed at which your metabolism works are directly related to each other i.e. the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you are likely to burn doing the same activity. Taller people have more muscle mass just owing to their body structure. Thus, they are more likely to burn calories faster than shorter people, while doing the same activity. This is the reason why shorter people have to follow diet tips for slow metabolism more rigorously than taller people do.
Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) determines how many calories your body burns at rest. Lean muscle mass has an impact on your BMR. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your BMR will be, and the more you can eat. Thus, higher your BMR is, the less work you have to do to account for extra calories eaten.
An average woman has a BMR of 1,400 calories per day. Women who are shorter than 5 feet have BMRs of 1,200 calories while those who are taller than 5’9” have BMRs of about 1,750 or more. These figures indicate the number of calories lost if a person sleeps for 24 hours. It is evidently clear, the taller you are, the more calories you burn with lesser effort.
So, how do short women stay in shape? 
Looking for some weight loss tips? Being short is just a roadblock in your quest to lose weight and it’s definitely not the end. You can easily lose weight if you do it the right way. We’ve got the best weight loss program for women that you can use to keep yourself in shape.
These short girl weight loss tips can help you immensely in your “quest for shape” –
  1. You need a diet plan to lose weight: In order to lose weight, you need to take in the right amount of calories that you can burn through the course of the day. It is also necessary to have the calories in the right form. Protein is really good for weight loss and so are vitamins and minerals. Protein not only keeps you fuller for longer, but it helps your body build and repair muscles -just what you need for a higher BMR. Vitamins and minerals are also very helpful for your muscle mass.
  2. Lift weights: You can catch up with the metabolic rates of your taller friends by lifting weights. Keep this in mind that the heavier you lift, the better off you are. Thus, it is better to lift 10kg weights once rather than lifting 4kg weights thrice. Since lifting weights will increase your metabolism, it will help you burn calories faster. In turn, this will help you grow thinner.
  3. Eat for your needs: While it is unhealthy to eat more than you need just to satisfy your mind, it is also unhealthy to go on a crash diet as it slows up your metabolism even further. Thus, it is in your best interests that you eat for your needs, not more or less.
  4. Consult an expert: Speak to a registered dietitian or a health expert regarding what is the best way to go forward for you. Also, there is a BMI calculator for women and calorie calculator for weight loss that will help you go about in planning your way forward in terms of your diet.
With this, we can conclude, it is hard to lose weight when you are short, but surely not impossible! With the right kind of diet and lifestyle, there’s always hope.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Everything you ever wanted to know about healthy meals!

healthy diet is something that needs to be followed by almost everyone, and helps you in leading a good and nutritious life. Many people know what to eat, but they do not have an idea on when to eat it. And that is a very big problem, as people need to have a fair idea of when to eat. Even if you eat the healthiest food but at the wrong time, all the healthy food that you ate will lose its value.
Your body needs a lot of discipline in terms of eating food regularly and at the proper times, which is why it’s essential to eat the right food at the right time. In the morning, food should be eaten within 30 minutes of waking up. Ideal time to have breakfast is between 7- 8am and have plenty of protein in your breakfast. For lunch, the ideal time is between 12:30pm and 1pm, and try to keep a gap of 4 hours between breakfast and lunch. For dinner, there is no ideal time but it should be eaten before 10pm. You should keep a good gap between your dinner and your sleep time as otherwise it will interfere with your sleep.
Even if you are trying to get fit through fitness centers or Gyms, they too will give you a proper diet meal plan to lose weight. There are a lot of healthy diet meal plans to lose weight on the internet as well which offer and educate a lot about the meals and diets to all the customers as well. There are many diet plans to lose weight but many of them involve leaving you hungry and unsatisfied. Also, all these diet plans help you but if you do not have them at the right time or do not consume them as and when you have to, it would not make a huge difference to you.
The best diet plan for weight loss will not only help you get fit but also does not leave you hungry or unsatisfied. This is one of the best diet plans for weight loss
  • What you need to do is that you have to cut back on foods which have a high level of sugar and starches in them. These reduce your appetite, lower your insulin levels and will make you lose weight, without much hunger.
  • Another thing that you need to do is to have meals which have a rich protein source, a fat source, and also have low carb vegetables in them so as to give a proper balance to your meal. Protein food involves egg, fish, and meat. Low carb vegetables that you can have are tomatoes, spinach, Broccoli, cabbage etc. Fat sources are butter, Olive oil, Coconut oil, Avocado oil etc.
  • Exercise is also something that you need to do as it will not only help you in reducing weight but will also help you keep fit throughout the year. Resistance training like weight lifting can be done but if you are not up for it, it’s okay as cardio workouts also work with this diet.
There are a lot of diet plans which help you with weight loss but this is one of the best diet plans for weight loss and is also one of the fastest ways to lose weight. Although losing weight fast is something that everyone wants but weight loss often take times and hence even if it is taking a lot of time, don’t give up on it, results will come. All these diet plans need to be carried out at the right time and in the right way to get the best out of them.
If you are not looking to follow a diet and are only looking for tips, we’ve got you covered as well. Here are some weight loss tips
  • Drink water before meals
  • Eat eggs for breakfast
  • Cut back on added sugar
  • Eat carbs which are less refined
  • Keep healthy food around you in case you feel hungry.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits
  • Get good sleep
  • Do aerobic exercises
  • Eat more fiber
These are some weight loss tips which you can use and it is very important that you either follow a diet or use these tips if you want to lead a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is necessary as it helps you in leading a longer life and a life without any medical issues. Good timing of meals and planning your diet ahead of time, can guarantee long term health and fitness.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Tasty food doesn’t always have to be Unhealthy

A lot of people are under the misconception that healthy food can’t be tasty. Today, in most cases some flavor can be added to make healthy dishes a bit more appealing. Seasoning, method of cooking, and presentation are few examples of places where a few tweaks can help improve the taste of your food.
While trying to reduce weight, one of the most important things is to eat healthy. Unless your exercise plan is supported by a healthy diet, you will not see any results. A few tips for eating healthy are to eliminate sugar and carbs in all your meals, this reduces your hunger levels and your body starts burning the stored fats. While trying to lose weight, each meal should consist of protein, fats and low-carb vegetables. Foods such as chicken, lamb, eggs and fish are protein rich foods which can be made tasty with herbs like parsley, coriander and rosemary. Bell Peppers, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and kale are few low carb vegetables. Olive oil, butter and coconut oil are good and healthy sources for fats which also enhance the taste of foods. Good combinations such as chicken and some low carb vegetables with proper seasoning can be a tasty meal when prepared well.
No foods can help you lose weight magically but there are some foods which are rich in fiberand have a low energy density, this means that you can eat a decent size portion without consuming too many calories. Avocados, eggs, almonds, beans, yogurt, fruits are examples of such type of foods.Yogurt and fruit combinations can give you a tasty snack while keeping the calories in check. Some people also believe in calling them weight loss foods.
While someone is trying to reduce their weight, a few weight loss tips that they can follow are
  • Drink a lot of water, especially before meals.
  • Switch to healthier snack options.
  • Do aerobic exercise to help burn that stubborn belly fat
  • Get a good 8 hours of sleep
  • Don’t ‘diet’, eat healthy instead.
Losing weight naturally is not something that is impossible, these methods are slow to show results but they do help in reaching the goal. To lose weight naturally, you will have to make a lot of changes to your food habits. Reducing sugar intake, eating healthier foods, a low carb-diet are few changes that you can make to help reduce weight naturally. The tasty junk food will have to be dropped but other healthier tasty snacks like the yogurt and fruits can be an option.
A balanced diet is something that each and every person should follow. A balanced diet is important because our organs and tissues need the right amount of nutrition to function properly. Without proper nutrition our body is more prone to disease, infection and fatigue. A balanced diet is adiet consisting of a variety of different types of food and providing adequate amounts of the nutrients necessary for good health.
Healthy food may not be tasty all the time but with proper cooking and good quality ingredients some flavour and taste can be added. When you start eating healthy, you might not like it at first but over time you get accustomed to the taste. Losing weight will not be easy but it is not impossible.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Lose weight this Ramzan with 5 easy hacks.

Often, we have noticed during the Ramadan season devotees tend to gain weight rather than lose weight. Does that seem odd? Well, let’s shed some light onto this topic.

Nutrition Journal by Balkees Abed Bakhtomah shows, out of 173 practicing Muslim families interviewed, 59.5 percent reported weight gain after Ramadan.
On an average, Muslims around the world fast for 12 hours a day, which results in abrupt and fairly poor physical activity throughout the day. Through the course of non-fasting hours devotees consume food which is high in sugar and fat. I mean can you really say no to your favorite food when it’s kept in front of you after fasting throughout the day! It’s like keeping candy in front of a child and expecting him not to eat it.
Are you looking to lose weight this Ramzan? Follow our simple and easy hacks, you will have the perfect Ramzan diet to lose weight.
Check out some Ramzan weight loss tips below-
  • Water, your best friend.

Being hydrated plays a vital role for your system, regardless if its Ramadan season or not. The good part is it will control your sugar cravings after you break your fast. Ideally we should be consuming at least 2 liters/8 glasses of water a day. Here’s a table we like to follow-
  • 2 glasses at Iftar
  • 4 glasses between iftar and suhur
  • 2 glasses at suhur
P.S – It’s best to avoid tea and coffee, herbal tea makes a great substitute for the same.

  •  A light and balanced Iftar.

    (Yes, this was coming)
It’s natural tendency for your body’s metabolism to slow down during Ramadan. This translates to your body needs less energy to function.
The best way to lose weight would be to assume you are sitting down for a regular dinner, ignore the fact that you have been fasting all day.
You don’t need to have more than one date per meal as it contains ample sugar. Go for a smaller portion of soup and avoid cream based soups; vegetable and lentil soups are the best. Follow it up with a mixed vegetable salad but do not add more than 1 – 2 teaspoons of olive oil dressing. Skip all the appetizers that are high in carbohydrates. It is essential to take a break after you’re done with your appetizers, you don’t want your digestive system overwhelmed. Complete your prayers, interact with others, and keep in mind that it’s important to take a 5 minute break. While resuming your meal choose your main dish wisely and stick to one food item and avoid fried food. It needs to have a balance between carbs and protein (control your portions! It’s crucial.) Using a calorie calculator for weight loss might be a good idea.
  • Skipping Suhur?

DON’T! This is a common mistake made by many. This year the ‘eating hours’ are quite limited but it’s no excuse to skip Suhur. Skipping suhur will spike your hunger pangs the next day and you will end up overeating at the Iftar.
Consume complex carbohydrates during Suhur, it will give you energy for the rest of the day.
  • Stay Active!

We know it’s difficult, but being active during the day will go a long way. It’s ideal to stick to your regular activities during the day. Avoid the sun during its peak hours, it will drain glucose out of your body making you crave for sugar. P.S – Avoid processed sugar.
  • Join Prettislims’ U-Lipo treatment

Well, there’s always the easy way out. Contrary to popular belief that the easy way out need not be harmful. Prettislim’s U-Lipo treatment is safe, effective and affordable! It is an intelligent alternative to surgical liposuction. A new way to remove unwanted fat from the body! If you are wondering how to lose weight in a week, this is it.
We hope the weight loss tips mentioned above have been helpful. It is essential to keep your BMI in proportion to lead a healthy lifestyle, there are multiple body mass index calculators available online, make sure your BMI is in check!

Monday, 23 April 2018

Carbohydrates and its role in Obesity

Do you love pizza? Well, that was a stupid question to ask. It’s probably the reason that’s keeping you from getting those six pack abs this summer.

Obesity is no longer a problem that’s limited to a specific country; it has spread its roots all over the world. We are here to help you lose weight (Especially if you’re on a carb rich diet) and shed some light on this evil.
Carbohydrates are the powerhouse of our systems; they are the macronutrients that provide energy to our body. What do you think our body does with excess energy intake? Yes, you guessed it right. Our body converts it into fat.
Studies show that the quality of carbohydrates rather than the quantity determines whether a person gains weight. If you are prone to gaining weight you should refrain yourself from white bread, pasta, chips, processed food, cakes, cookies etc. The high glycemic index (Simple carbs, we will explain this further in the next paragraph) in these items causes an imminent spike in blood sugar. If this energy is not utilized then it gets converted into fat. lose weight (The best way to would be to avoid food with a high glycemic index)

Complex Carbohydrates Vs Simple Carbohydrates

Complex carbs consist of whole grain foods, whole fruits and vegetables etc. It consists of food which has high fiber content and phytonutrients. Once the fiber is digested, our body converts it into glucose. Fiber is digested slowly by our system hence this glucose is also let into our bloodstream at a steady pace.
On the other hand, simple carbs like white bread, fruit juice without any pulp, refined flour etc are digested instantly. This causes a spike in our blood sugar levels, as mentioned earlier this makes us put on those inches nobody wants.
Well if you have already set foot towards the path of simple carbohydrates, don’t worry. We have some tips to lose weight up our sleeve, take a look at some weight loss tips mentioned below-
  1. A fiber rich diet holds a fair amount of importance when it comes to weight management and control. Fiber provides bulk to food which makes you feel fuller and gives you a greater amount of satisfaction.
  2. Choose dairy that is low in carbs eg: Pick greek yogurt over normal yogurt.
  3. Start reading food labels/nutrition facts and keep a track of your daily intake. According to USDA dietary guidelines, the average adult should consume anywhere between 225 – 325 grams of carbohydrates daily. This consists of 45% – 65% of their daily calorie consumption. However, consulting your dietitian is the best way to move forward and receive a diet plan to lose weight fast.
  4. Eliminate/Reduce your soda and sweetened drinks.
  5. Eat high quality sources of protein like quinoa, low toxin fish etc
The tips to reduce weight mentioned above will definitely show results. Dedication, hard work and sincerity are all you require to get in shape this summer!

Friday, 23 March 2018

7 major problems caused due to obesity

Obesity is a serious, chronic disease that can negatively affect the body. People with obesity are at a great risk. Some of the common causes of obesity are – genetics, metabolism, sedentary lifestyle.etc. There are a number of problems caused due to obesity.

7 such major problems are as follows :

1. Risk of heart disease –

Obesity can increase the chances of hardening of the arteries, that is atherosclerosis. Obesity can also cause heart attacks because of reduced blood flow to the heart or blood clots and also coronary artery disease because of the fatty deposits that build up in the arteries.

2. Type 2 diabetes –

Obesity can cause resistance to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. Due to insulin resistance, sugar gets elevated.

3. Bone and joint disease –

Due to the extra weight during obesity, there is an increase in pressure on bones and joints and may cause osteoarthritis.

4. Sleep apnea and respiratory problems –

Sleep apnea which causes people to stop breathing for short periods and interrupts sleep. When the weight of the walls of the chest squeezes into the lungs, it restricts breathing.

5. Cancer –

In women, being overweight increases the chances of breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.

6. Metabolic syndrome –

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and abdominal fat, which in turn increases the likelihood of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. In the United States, one-third of overweight or obese persons exhibit metabolic syndrome.

7. Psychological effects –

Being obese, could take a toll on psychological health because of the societal demands of being thin, where thin is considered as attractive. An obese person may face discrimination, ridicule, torment etc.
The only way to combat these is to lose weight. Given below, are a few steps and tips for weight loss. The first step is the body mass index (BMI) calculator. How to calculate body mass index? It is done by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters and then dividing it by your height again. This can help to set goals and determine the fastest way to lose weight. A diet and workout plan can be made based on goals. The inclusion of superfoods and weight loss foods may be needed, to substitute the not so healthy food. It’s important to be well informed about the macronutrients in the food. This can be done with a calorie counter calculator, which may be found as apps or on relevant websites. Another option is U-Lipo. It is a nonsurgical way to lose unwanted fat, in problem areas. It is economical and safe and gives quicker results. A client can lose up to 8cms in one sitting, and is pain-free! It is the fastest way to lose weight with minimal efforts.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

5 Amazing ways in which water can help you speed your weight loss

There are innumerable weight loss diet plans that promise results, but how sustainable are they? how permanent are they? Not very. Anything that is natural is always more sustainable.How to lose weight naturally? the answer is simple, water. It is the most natural way to speed up weight loss. Our bodies and every cell naturally require water to function optimally.

5 amazing ways water can speed up your weight loss

1. More water, fewer calories –

To begin with, we often confuse thirst for hunger. When we are dehydrated, we think we are tired and require energy so we reach out for carbs. But that does not quench our thirst, which we confuse as not being full enough and eat more. This ends up in us consuming excessive calories which we didn’t need in the first place. To combat this, a glass of water just before deciding to eat could shed light on whether one is truly hungry or not.
Having said that, if the feeling was of hunger and not thirst, the glass of water would surely cut the amount of food one could consume after. To prove this, one could always test it using online calorie calculator or apps such as my fitness pal, by simply consuming significantly more water on one day and comparing the calories consumed on both days. The day with more water consumption would end up with significantly lesser calories.

2. More water, better athletic performance –

Water is essential for the muscles. When we consume water, our muscles get hydrated. When muscles don’t have sufficient fluid they shrivel and get fatigued. Dehydrated muscles slow down weight loss because it makes one feel sluggish and in turn decreases physical activity. Hydrated muscles will enhance athletic performance, and help lose weight

3. More water, better digestion –

Water helps in better absorption of nutrients from the food consumed, circulating through the lymphatic system and to the cells. This improves the digestion and metabolic rate which speeds up weight loss.
4. More water, fewer toxins –
The best diet cleanse for weight loss is with water. Water cleanses the body of toxins by carrying waste products in and out of cells. There are free radicles in the body, which the kidneys can flush out only with adequate water intake
5. More water, less bloating –
Water helps relieve constipation, which is one of the causes of temporary bloating. Constipation gives the illusion of an inflated stomach (even though it is not fat). Water helps to get rid of that inflation and the excess pounds seen on the scale when one is constipated.
Hence, going natural is the best idea. Make sure you start your day with water, and end it with water too!