Friday, 27 December 2019

10 Weight Loss Ways to be Flab-U-Less

A lot of people are unhappy with the body they have. Everybody wants to be fit and have a body they would want to admire. Loose fats and flabby regions are problems that everyone wants to get rid of. If you are someone that wants to lose weight and be Flab-U-Less, then this article is the correct place for you! Here are some weight loss tips to get you started towards your dream body:
  1. Drink Water
    This point cannot be stressed enough. The benefits of drinking water are massive, and your diet plan to lose weight fast is incomplete if you don’t drink adequate water. A regular person must drink at least 7-8 glasses of water a day as it purifies your body and gets rid of all the toxins.
  2. Cardio
    Cardio fastens your heartbeat, which boosts your metabolism and burns fat. Start easy by jogging shorter distances and pacing it with brisk walking. Slowly, increase the distance that you run and eventually you’ll become a pro at running.
  3. Avoid Processed Foods
    A quick weight loss diet plan is to avoid processed foods as much as you can. It may be hard to completely cut them out, but every small step goes a long way. Processed foods contain unnecessary amounts of sugar that only add to excessive body fat.
  4. Eat in Smaller Plates
    Try to eat your meals in slightly smaller plates than you usually do. This will help to control your intake and prevent overeating. A smaller plate gets full faster and will give the illusion of more food, thus boosting your weight loss diet.
  5. Workout
    There is a wide range of workout options for you to select from- Zumba, spinning, pilates, yoga, Cross fit, etc. Choose the one that you like, or shuffle between a couple. It helps to have a trainer and fitness buddy with you for motivation.
  6. Breakfast
    Breakfast is the most essential meal since it kickstarts your day. Never skip breakfast and ensure that you eat filling meal to boost your energy.
  7. Journal
    Use an app, or go traditional with a diary, but be sure to journal your calorie count with every meal- even snacks! This will help you track what you eat and make you more conscious of unhealthy food.
  8. Fruits and Greens
    Fresh fruits and greens at regular intervals are primary in weight loss food. Try to replace dessert with a fruit and it is sure to make a major difference. Green leafy vegetables make your meals more wholesome and fresh.
  9. Don’t Starve
    Please never starve yourself in hopes of losing weight quickly. Staying hungry for long hours has adverse effects on your body in the same way that crash dieting does. Whenever you’re hungry, try eating a fruit or some nuts.
  10. Sleep
    Last, but never the least, sleep well. A well rested body is fit enough to exercise and healthy enough to function well. No diet to lose weight can make a change without adequate sleep.
Attempting to lose weight requires determination and discipline. This is a basic guide to help get you started on your weight-loss journey to being Flab-U-Less. Always remember, start small…every small step goes a long way in fitness!

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Know Your Calorie Count

Nutrition and weight loss go hand in hand. Nutritional science is an entire medical vertical that deals with the study of the effects of food on metabolism, health and performance but tracking calorie intake is something anyone can do.

The idea of counting calories became popular around the turn of the 20th century when American scientist Wilbur Atwater revealed that a “bomb calorimeter” could measure how much “energy” was present in a certain kind of food. Apart from losing weight, counting calories is recommended for anyone who wants to build mass, increase strength and boost endurance.
To put it very simply, when you diet to lose weight, you need to create a “calorie deficit” to lose weight. What that means is, you want to eat fewer calories than your body burns in a day. To do this you must know how to calculate calories in food.
For example, if your body burns 2000 calories a day but you eat only 1700 calories a day, you create a calorie deficit of 300 calories a day and you’ll lose weight. If your body burns 2000 calories a day and you eat 2300 calories a day, you’re creating a calorie surplus of 300 calories, and you’ll end up gaining weight over time.
Hence, while planning your diet plan to lose weight fast, you can create a calorie deficit by:
  1. eating fewer calories than you do now if you overeat;
  2. exercising more;
  3. a combination of (a) and (b) (usually, this is the best way because you strengthen your body at the same time)
To ease your process of planning your diet with weight loss food we have listed a few common food items and their quantity, each comprising 200 Calories worth of energy by using a calorie counter calculator:
  • 150g Eggs
  • 385g Apples
  • 28g of Butter
  • 588g of Broccoli
  • 145g cooked pasta
  • 75g of a cheeseburger
  • 51g of Fruit Loops Cereal
  • 333ml of Whole Milk
  • 55g Wheat Flour
  • 34g Peanut Butter
As you can see above, the same quantity of food can carry a vastly different number of calories. Hence, when it comes to snacking, as far as possible, replace those potato chips or buttery delights with a fruit, a glass of milk or some eggs. It is important to fulfil our hunger without stocking up on calories. The notion of maintaining a balanced diet was brought forth simply to ensure that we do not overload ourselves solely with artery clogging, high calorie food with nominal nutritional value.
Statistically, an average adult needs 2000-2500 calories a day, but this, of course, differs depending on how physically active you are. So for those who don’t hesitate to sweat in the gym, a spoonful of peanut butter is a lot less of a sin!
Although you may be tempted to opt for a quick weight loss diet plan, do keep in mind this general rule of thumb: Women, must not consume below 1200 calories and, men, must not consume below 1800 calories a day. Your body burns up most of its daily calories just by keeping your body alive—even while you’re asleep! For more weight loss tips, click here
Hence, when you diet to lose weight make sure to choose quality over quantity because eating 100g of Broccoli instead of 100g of Potato Chips means you will save on approximately 560 Calories! Therefore, make sure to plan your weight loss diet wisely. You can also make use of an online calorie calculator to track your daily calorie intake.
For, further help on how to count calories, click here.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

5 Tips to Keep & Weight Loss as a New Year's Resolution | Prettislim

The start of new year tags a famous tradition ‘The New Year Resolution’. One of the common resolutions people keep is ‘weight loss’. Study says, approximately 2.1 billion people are overweight or obese in the world, that means, obesity is a very common condition in our global population. Sticking to a new year resolution for weight loss is commonly seen amongst many, but there are many hurdles one could face. Here are a few new year weight loss tips which will help you keep up with your new year fitness resolution.
Make your goal or resolution attainable or else one could fail in achieving their goal. Plan your resolution before New Year’s Eve, instead of making 31st as a benchmark. Outline your new year weight loss plan and decide how will you deal with the temptation. Practice positive thinking and self task, or reminding yourself how your bad behavior will affect your goal.
After you’re done the planning, you need to set a daily routine. According to your preference, what is easier to follow, set it and try to follow it. Plan your routine smartly as it is a very important step to stick to your weight loss resolution. You can follow various fitness tips for losing weight, available online.
Maintaining a list on paper is one of the best weight loss motivational idea. It will also help you develop with time, at the same time the list will keep updating. Keep your list with you and refer to it when you need help in sticking to your resolution and development will be crystal clear.
For weight loss, you must have chosen a diet you wish to follow. You might need special kind of weight loss food ingredients for your meals, don’t depend on others to cook for you. Be independent and make your weight loss journey ‘Your Thing’. You can follow Prettislim Recipes which are weight loss friendly
Keep track of every small step and success in your weight loss journey. Small accomplishments will help you keep motivated. Don’t obsess over occasional slips, do the best you can each day. Celebrate your success by treating yourself to something you can enjoy that doesn’t contradict your new year’s resolution to lose weight. For instance reward yourself, with shopping or by going for a movie, but don’t break your promise to eat a better diet.
Experts say it takes around 21 days for anew activity to turn into a regular habit. Nothing can happen overnight so be patient keep trying to stick to your weight loss diet plan. If due to any reason you’re failing in achieving your goal of toned body, don’t worry, everyone deserves another chance. Start over again, check different tips for weight loss, promise yourself to work hard and before you know it, you will be back on track.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Tips to avoid your weight gain for this Christmas season

Much to our excitement, the holiday season is here once again! With the most festive time of the year being here, it is also the  that time of the year when a lot of people think that they might put on weight or people tend to put on weight due to the stress, baked goods and lots of social gatherings.
Most people are not successful when it comes to controlling their food intake which in turn affects weight. We can enjoy the holiday season even more  by avoiding holiday weight gain.
Did you know that? There is a way to avoid Festive season weight gain?
No right? So here are some tips on how to avoid holiday weight gain.
  1. Nibble whip-smartly:
It’s the holiday season and unhealthy nibbles like cookies and cakes are easily available. Consumption of these high calorie goodies can be controlled at home by keeping these treats aside but this game plan cannot be used when we are out in a party, office or at someone’s place. In case if you have a habit of nibbling just because food is obtainable and you are not hungry then the best thing is to avoid nibbles wholeheartedly. You can control the consumption these treats by nibbling in a smart way. If your hungry avoid eating unhealthy snacks and eat healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, nuts etc. Refrain from eating things which contain added sugar or fats. This is one of the best holiday weight loss tip.
  1. Engage in physical activities with friends and families:
Holiday traditions often include desk bound activities like sitting on the couch and watching movies or sports. Just sitting and not doing any thing productive will cause you to gain weight particularly when you laze around, laughing and nibbling with friends and family. The best way to keep your weight under control is to be active by doing some sort of physical activity like playing a sport or an outdoor game. This will keep your mind off food and you can bond with your loved ones.
  1. Take control over alcohol consumption:
It’s the holiday season and especially between Christmas and new year’s everyone’s alcohol consumption is a bit more than usual days. Make it a point that you drink low calorie beer, wine or vodka with soda and lime. Make sure you are well hydrated. This will ensure that you consume less alcohol. However, you should also include this in you daily diet plan to loose weight faster.
  1. Aim for minimum of 8 hours of sleep:
A person should sleep at least for 8 hours a day. Being sleep deprived is the common occurrence during the holiday season and it will cause you gain unnecessary weight. Stick to perfect sleep cycle and wake up on time and refrain from staying up to late.
These are some tips to reduce weight. If some of you guys have the mentality of “I’ll start tomorrow” change that right away get in control of your weight. If you are very serious about your weight loss, take these tips into consideration it will help considerably.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Is Jaggery good for health?

Eating jaggery has numerous health benefits for us because this sweet ingredient is not only yummy to taste, but it is also loaded with many essential nutrients. Jaggery, known as gur in India is basically unrefined sugar from the sugarcane plant. In this article we will seek the answer to: “Is jaggery good for health?”
There are other sources to obtain jaggery such as from the sap of the coconut tree or date palm, although jaggery made from sugarcane is the most widely used form. People want to know “Is it good to eat jaggery every day?” Jaggery has been a staple of the Indian household for ages. Jaggery should definitely be a part of your diet if it isn’t already, and here we’ll discuss why.
  1. Jaggery, brown sugar and honey
Jaggery is prepared by natural means without the use of any chemicals, preservatives or synthetic additives. For this reason it contains a number of proteins, minerals, and vitamins. People consider this brown sweetener and brown sugar to be one and the same. However, brown sugar is produced either directly from cane juice or by refining raw sugar. Both cases require the addition of a variety of molassesand syrups. Hence, brown sugar contains unnatural additives as well. The hierarchy being-  jaggery is better than brown sugar which is better than white sugar. Honey is also a good alternative for desserts and sweets. It is rich in Vitamin B, C, and potassium while jaggery is rich in copper, iron, and magnesium. Which one you add comes down to your preference.
2. Is jaggery good for diabetes?
People often ask, “Is jaggery good for diabetes?”Jaggery is not to be misconstrued for other forms of sweeteners.It should preferably be likened to a somewhat healthier form of sugar. There is almost 65%-85% of sucrose in 10 grams of jaggery. People with diabetes are advised not to consume it regularly. 
3. Jaggery and weight loss
Jaggery facilitates quicker digestion since it is rich in nutrients. People often ask if they could have some weight loss with jaggery. There are some jaggery benefits for weight loss. The nutrients help to maintain electrolyte balance, improving metabolism. The presence of potassium enables water retention, through which one can effectively manage their weight. It cleanses the blood and flushes out toxins from the body. Consuming jaggery can hence help with weight loss. These are the benefits of jaggery for weight loss.
4. Helps in Cleansing the Body
If you are staying in an area that is heavily polluted, including jaggeryin your diet may help you a great deal. Jaggery is a natural body cleanser and helps to cleanse harmful toxins in the body. Jaggery is beneficial in cleaning the lung, respiratory tract, and others to prevent infections.
5. Helps in Preventing Anemia
Low iron levels in the body lead to a disease called anemia. Adding this iron and folate-rich food in your daily diet may help in the prevention of anemia. Anybody battling low iron and folate levels should definitely include jaggery in their diet so that they can prevent anemia.
6. Helps in Maintaining Body Temperature
Jaggery is very versatile. If you want to keep your body warm during the winter months you should consume jaggery since it helps you keep your body warm. Consuming jaggery with cold water keeps your stomach cool and helps in the summers. Hence jaggery is fit for consumption throughout the year.
7. Helps in Maintaining Good Intestinal Health
Magnesium helps keep your intestinal health on track, and jaggery contains a good amount of magnesium, hence it would be a good idea to consume jaggery if you want to keep your intestinal health on track. You will get approximately 15 mg of magnesium if you consume 10 grams of jaggery on a regular basis.
8. Helpful in Controlling Blood Pressure
Regular blood pressure should be maintained to maintain good health. Low blood pressure is just as detrimental as high blood pressure is. Sodium and potassium are essential for maintaining blood pressure and jaggery is loaded with both sodium as well as potassium. Both these minerals are beneficial in regulating the blood pressure in the body. Therefore, by eating jaggery on a daily basis, your blood pressure levels are likely to be under control.

Fatigue and exhaustion are real problems. Simple things like taking your dog for a walk become monstrosities to overcome. Jaggery can instantly help you feel energized. Jaggery slowly gets released into your blood stream instead of all at once like sugar does. Hence, it not only helps with your blood sugar levels but also helps you fight fatigue and gives you a constant stream of energy for your daily grind.

10. Menstrual pain no more

Those painful days of the month can give nightmares to most women because menstrual pain is something all women can relate. Over the counter medication help with this problem but they may have unwanted side effects, and are not a natural solution to the problem. Jaggery is loaded with all the essential nutrients that may prove helpful in reducing period pain and other associated side-effects. Jaggery helps release your endorphins (the feel good hormones), which help you deal with PMS.

11. Bronchitis and asthma
Bronchitis and asthma make breathing very difficult. It is believed that when jaggery is eaten, it soothes and nourishes the inflamed airways and thus helps in providing relief and also prevents the condition from further deteriorating.

12. Joint pains and aches will be less of a problem

Joint or bone pain can be a very painful situation and hamper your day-to-day functioning. However, it is believed that consuming jaggery on day to day basis has proven to be effective in dealing with joint pains and aches.
13. Constipation
Constipation has the possibility to take a toll on your health.  Cleaning bowels is a problem as well as hardened stools. Consuming jaggery on a regularly helps in activating the digestive enzymes and also helps in stimulating bowel movements. Addingjaggery to your diet can help to smoothen bowel movements. Having smoother bowel movements will also help with your weight loss diet plan so you can correctly manage your appetite.
14. Cold and cough
Fighting flu like symptoms like cold and cough is another thing jaggery could do for you. Jaggery fights cold by the production of heat within the body, and cough by lubricating the throat.
15. Low calorie count compared to sugar:
Here we’ll seek to answer how to eat jaggery for weight loss. There are different amounts of calories in sugar and jaggery. Just 20 grams of jaggery contains 38 calories and has 9.8 gram of carbohydrates, 9.7 gram of sugar, 0.01 gram of protein, choline, betaine, vitamin B12, B6, folate, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, and manganese. Meanwhile the same amount of refined sugar would contain nothing else but sugar. It would not give you the additional nutritional value that jaggery gives you. Sugar has much more calories than jaggery does. So, if you were wondering how to lose weight jaggery can definitely help you in that regard.

Monday, 11 November 2019

Winter Weight Loss Secret

Along with winter season, it’s a season for various festivals, which can be busy and exciting and with festivals comes a list of unhealthy food. Winter season makes people lazy and hazy, hence there would be lack of exercise in one’s daily routine. Holiday season means pleasant and beautiful climate, but unknowingly, it invites fats and laziness. Focusing on health is an everyday necessity, once the season is over the lethargic body finds it difficult to get back into the healthy and active routine. The cold weather increases the risk of weather-related illnesses and highest risk of all, is lack of focus on diet and exercise routines. How to lose winter weight is a question often asked. Hence, it is mandatory to eat healthy diet food for winter to maintain a fit body.
Here are few ways to stay fit this winter season:
  1. CCC (Control your Carb Cravings)
    The cold season ignites cravings for carbs. To counter this, eat a protein-packed breakfast to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. If following a diet plan for weight loss in winter, be sure to have low-fat and healthy snacks on hand.
  2. Add Omega 3 Fatty Acids
    Omega 3 fatty acids are a healthy type of fat that are naturally found in many food types including fish, plant seeds and nuts. Omega 3 fatty acids are great for reducing joint pain and stiffness as they are a natural anti-inflammatory. Studies say people who feel lower level of depression; omega 3 fatty acids are the best food to eat in winter.
  3. Cook with Mushrooms
    Mushrooms have naturally-occurring antibiotics that help in immune boosting health benefits. This gives them medicinal properties, which helps us to fight off various types of illnesses. Our recipe for Mushroom, Tofu and Spinach Soup should definitely be a part of your winter diet plan for weight loss.
  4. Eat More Fiber
    Soluble fiber found in apples, oats and nuts is an important way to decrease inflammation and boost immune system function. Soluble fiber also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body and aids in weight loss and protection against diabetes. These are important tips to lose weight especially for those who require high-fiber diet.
  5. Eat More Green and Orange Vegetables
    If following a diet plan to lose weight fast one must ensure in getting healthy nutrients, sugar and fats by primarily sticking to vegetables and fruits that are dark green and orange in colour. Spinach, kale, swiss chard, squash, carrots and oranges are the best food to add in your weight loss diet plan.
  6. Cook with Spices
    Onions, garlic, ginger and cilantro are the perfect items to add flavor to your dishes. Not only do they make food taste great, but also help in improving immune function. Turmeric is a spice traditionally used in Chinese and Indian medicine. Its main active ingredient is called curcumin, which gives food a yellow color. This spice helps to combat a number of conditions including inflammation and heart disease, as it acts as a powerful antioxidant.
Do follow these weight loss tips in winter to maintain a fit and active body during the fun and exciting holiday season.

Monday, 14 October 2019

Know about U-Lipo. How it works?


The term liposuction comes with a list of assumptions, however, not all assumptions are true. The removal of fat cavitation through ultrasonic liposuction treatment is an effective way to reduce fat cell in your body, which will help you lose weight. The focus here is that ‘Liposuction’ is the surgical method of weight loss and ‘Ultrasonic Liposuction (U-Lipo)’ is a non-surgical method, which is safe and also has fewer side effects as compared to Liposuction. U-Lipo uses ultrasonic vibrations to liquefy fat cells for easy removal.With its ability to liquefy fat, one advantage of ultrasonic liposuction is the easy removal of a larger volume of fat than traditional liposuction methods. However, U-Lipo is not a tool for weight-loss, it’s a method one can choose for fat reduction.


It is often used to remove fat from the harder-to-treat areas such as the chin, inner-thigh, calves and breasts. U-Lipo can be used as a way to treat problems with metabolism. Metabolism related issues cause an accumulation of fat around the stomach, neck or breasts. Getting the fat removed with ultrasonic cavitation liposuction can help alleviate those unsightly bulges. In this case, many women with metabolism disorders get good results from removing the fat cells completely as it is the best way to improve your appearance and overall health, safely and quickly. Fat accumulates faster in the stomach area, women commonly face these problems after pregnancy. You can get this area treated with Prettislim’s tummy tuck treatment  without surgery. Few women often worry how to tighten sagging breasts and choose liposuction for tightening sagging breasts. Surgeons recommend them ultrasonic liposuction of cavitation treatment for an easy and safer method of weight reduction. The ultrasonic cavitation treatment helps in removal of stubborn fibrous fat in a human body. It helps in increase of skin contraction by preserving surrounding nerves. The oldest and most tried-and-true version of liposuction has certain limitations which ultrasonic liposuction seeks to fill. U-Lipo may also reduce surgeon fatigue, as it liquefies the fat before it’s sucked out. This may provide better results for people undergoing the procedure.The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) says that ultrasonic liposuction(U-Lipo) has the quickest recovery time as compared to other types of liposuction.


Experts recommend lifestyle counseling before and after U-Lipo to help prevent weight gain. The important point here is to find a board-certified and experienced liposuction specialist who can help you determine the best procedure for you. Prettislim provides the service of U-lipo which is a popular choice as it focuses on ultrasound waves to contour your body. Ultrasonic inner-thigh liposuction, double chin removal without surgery and many more can be done in a safe, efficient and easy manner. Prettislim’s U-Lipo method is one of the most reliable procedure for weight loss treatment in Mumbai.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Vegan Diet to reduce Belly Fat | Prettislim

Now, we know as soon as you read about “Vegan diet” loads of questions pop up in your head; Is weight loss even possible? Is it even healthy? How does is equalize my  much needed protein intake? How do vegans lose weight?
Firstly vegans do not eat meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products. In fact, all they are fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, as well as plant-based milks, other non-dairy products, and meat alternatives. Vegan diets shed a lot of weight if done right. As stated in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, any individual who follows a vegan diet for around 18 weeks lose, on average, 4 pounds ( 1.814 kg)  more than those who follow animal based diets. 
Here are some vegan weight loss tips-
Look out what kind of vegan diet suits you the most, as there are majorly three types of vegan diets.  Firstly, a lot of people have the “stigma” that giving up on some of the main food items can be bad for our body, however, this is not the case if you look out for your nutrition intake.
Quick weight loss diet loss plans usually include intake of protein-rich food because protein intake makes one feel fuller faster, and one needs less proportion food to be satisfied. Majorly vitamin is found nature bound to be found only in animal products, hence vegan diet weight loss must include vitamin equipped cereals and soy products to avoid deficiencies, fresh fruits and vegetables, protein powders that are ideal for breakfast or mid-day snack, while other plant-based proteins such as  beans, lentils, quinoa, and oats can serve as the main component of a veggie burrito, salads, or stir-fry.
However no  matter how many tips for weight loss we provide, healthy meals, water, exercise and timing your meals are  essential key components for any successful weight-loss program.  Whether it's a vegetarian diet plan for weight loss one must engage themselves into 2 hours of  moderate activity or 1 hour of strong  activity weekly in order to  lose fat and drink minimum 2 liters of water to detox your body and keep it clean
How to lose belly fat? Is one of the major questions that comes up, however best vegetarian diet to lose belly fat  is spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard, bok choy, brussels sprouts, and zucchini. These foods are ideal for weight loss because they have loads of nutrients, not only that but are extremely low in calories and high in fiber, it keeps you full throughout the day while helping you avoid unhealthy snacking.  
To conclude, one thing for sure is that following a vegan diet might help you lose weight, however one can always consult a professional prior to doing so.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Lose Weight With Navratri Fasting | Prettislim

Navratri is a Hindu festival of worship and dance, celebrated in different ways throughout India. The word Navaratri means nine nights in Sanskrit; nava meaning nine and ratri meaning nights and is a celebration of Durga, the Hindu mother goddess. Fasting is a common practice in Indian households; many women and men observe fasting during this time.

Read on to understand how fasting can also help you lose with this Navratri.
This simple Navratri Diet plan will help you in losing weight while fasting. Remember, going completely without food will only lead you to malnutrition. You will lose weight initially, but you will gain back everything within a week.
Weight loss diet plan during the festive days of Navratri:
Early Morning – Start your day with soaked almonds ( 5-6 pcs ) and Munakka (2 big) with a glass of warm water and 1/4th to 1/2 tsp of lemon juice.
Breakfast – 1 bowl curd + vegetable griddle cake + mint chutney.
Mid meal – Coconut water
Lunch – Buckwheat flour chilla / dosa + mint chutney
Post lunch – walk for 15 to 20 minutes
After 2 hours – Take 1 glass thin buttermilk with roasted jeera powder and mint leaves.
Evening – Take green or lemon tea without sugar. May add cinnamon/ginger for taste and eat fruits like papaya, apple, pear, water melon.
Dinner – Take Milk and walnut shake or hot milk and 2 walnuts OR fox nut and skimmed milk kheer with artificial sweetener OR Bottle gourd kheer (1 bowl without sugar, add artificial sweetener) + 2 small bananas OR half kg papaya.
Bedtime – You can take milk.
Here are some tips that will help you observe healthy fasting during Navratri
Weight Loss Tips During Navratri:
  • Start your day with overnight soaked almonds and raisins. These will increase your metabolic rate and will help you in losing weight.
  • You can also take lukewarm water with a little lemon. This will increase your immunity as well as the antioxidants in lemon help you in better detoxification and weight loss.
  • Avoid eating fried and fat laden foods.
  • Dry roasted/microwaved fox nuts.
  • Eat fruits like papaya, apple, pears and pomegranate, kiwi and watermelon, they have good water content.
  • Choose simple sweets like rasgulla rather than consuming with heavy chenna bengali mithai and halwa for dessert.
  • Include vegetables.
  • Add fiber to your carbs. If you are eating high carb foods like sabudana /tapioca, make sure you add a lots of veggies too.
  • Remember to drink a lot of water.
Liquid Diets For Navratri To Lose Weight.
How To Lose Weight On A Liquid Diet?  There are 2 ways based on the nutrient contents and transparency.:
1] Clear liquid diet
2] Full liquid diet
  1. Clear Liquid Diet Plan
A clear liquid diet is free of fragments of foods and fiber or any sort. These diet plans contains liquids such as plain water and broths which do not provide any residue or fiber and can be digested very easily. Clear liquid diet items are strained before they can be consumed.
Items which can be included:
  • Black coffee with or without added cinnamon powder
  • Strained vegetable juices.
  • Sports drinks without preservatives
  • Candy based ice cream without any cream or milk.
  • Water
  • Strained coconut water
  • Gelatin water (strained)
  • Strained fruit juices (no pulp)
  • Strained lemonade with sugar, salt and pepper
  1. Full Liquid Diet Plan
A full liquid diet plan for weight loss can consist of items with or without fiber and residue. A full liquid diet is more nutritious in comparison to a clear liquid diet and thus can be carried on for a longer time (max 10 days). Normally when on liquid diet, people follow the regular 3 or 4 meal pattern, but you must follow a 2 or 3 hourly pattern. That way the body can be provided with good nutrients and calories can still be kept to a lower side. You can include a wide range of fluids through various flavors of soups, fruit juices, smoothies and protein shakes too.
The healthiest liquids to drink while fasting are:
  • Almond milk
  • Mint Lassi
  • Grape juice
  • Chikoo milkshake
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where one cycles between sessions of eating and fasting. It focuses less not say on which foods to eat, but rather when you should eat them.
Weight Loss Tips: 
  • Cut down your calorie intake by 200 to 250 cal. Divide meals in 6 and make sure to eat something every 3-3.5 hours. Have a heavy breakfast but light lunch and dinner.
  • After each meal, take a cup of warm lemon water. Which helps to increase metabolic rate and help in digestion.
  • Increase your exercise time and level gear up. You may join the gym, to workout for 45 – 50 minutes. With the former 40 minutes of aerobic exercises and latter 10 minutes of anaerobic exercises. Other activities like swimming, lawn tennis, hiking, skating are also doable. You can start brisk walking and jogging.
  • Indulgence is allowed. You are only dieting and not on punishment. So go ahead, enjoy your day off. But next day ensure you get to your exercise and diet regime.
  • Check your weight only once a week. Those who check weight every day or even 3 times a day are known to give up on their diet routine easily.
  • You will take minimum 3 months on this phase to be able to lose about 8 kgs of weight. Maybe a little less or maybe a little more depending on your dedication, age, body pattern, and health score. But nevertheless, your health is improving. And so is your fitness level.
Every body responses to different diets, in different ways. These are the most effective diets, try them and see which delivers the best results for you
Diet Plans For Weight Loss:
  1. Intermittent fasting
  2. Plant-based diets
  3. Low-carb diets
  4. The paleo diet
  5. Low-fat diets
  6. The DASH diet
Since this diet is unlike you have ever had, it may turn out to be a little difficult to follow, but if you get the basics right, you will be able to get used to it.
Fast Metabolism Diet Meal Plan:
  • Eat 3 meals which are carb-rich but with moderate protein, low-fat meals, and at least include 2 fruit snacks. Make sure you include at least five meals a day and not keep a gap of more than 3-4 hours.
  • Do not forget to add enough complex carbohydrates each day.
  • Breakfast: Ensure breakfast is a simple affair and add grains and fruit. Don’t wait for four hours to eat your breakfast, eat within the first 30 minutes of your waking up.
  • Snack: Eat a fruit 3 hours after you have had your breakfast.
  • Lunch: Keep your lunch simple, adding a portion of grain, a portion of protein, fruit and vegetables, also don’t forget to have your lunch 3 hours after you have had your snack.
  • The evening snack: Have a fruit 3-4 hours later.
  • Dinner: Your dinner should consist of a portion of grain, protein, and vegetables.
This guide is the complete know-how of everything related to fasting & weight loss. Use this festival of Navratri to regain your body confidence and stay fit, by fasting in the correct manner.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

U-Lipo for Fat Reduction | Prettislim

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique that removes excess fat from the fat accumulated areas of the body, such as the gut, hips, thighs, arms or neck.
Though it does perform the primary function of reducing fat quickly, it does come with a lot of side effects that easily take a toll on your body. Some of those side effects include bruises, changes in skin sensation, infection, damage to nerves, blood vessels, muscles, lungs and abdominal organs, etc.

This is where U-Lipo® comes to your rescue. U-Lipo® is a non surgical weight loss treatment. It is easy, effective as well as safe. The U-Lipo® treatment is available for various fat accumulating parts of your body including  tummy, sides, hips, thighs, inner thighs, arms, saddlebag, calf, upper back, female B-line, male chest and face and chin.
What does U-Lipo® mean?
The most common of the questions regarding U-Lipo® include what exactly is U-Lipo® ? Ultrasonic Lipo or U-Lipo® is an intelligent alternative to surgical liposuction. As against conventional liposuction methods (which are expensive, surgery-intensive, risky and painful), it uses ultrasound for fat reduction. This process involves targeting and eliminating fat cells in your body by transmitting low-frequency sound waves to the fat accumulated areas. No tissues, muscles, or organs get damaged during this process. This treatment is very effective to treat the fat accumulated on the face, chin, gut, thighs, hips, and back. It is a painless and non-surgical way to reduce excess fat from your body and get your body back in shape. Thus, you can easily lose stomach fat with U-Lipo® .
Now lets see how does U-Lipo® work:
 U-Lipo® uses the power of 4 non surgical technologies to reduce fat. You can avoid the dangerous side effects of surgical liposuction, by choosing this non surgical fat eliminating procedure, for various purposes such as getting slim, body shaping, reducing stomach fat & body contouring. 4 advanced technologies i.e. Ultrasound Lipolysis or Ultrasonic Cavitation, Non Ablative Radio Frequency (NARF), Vacuum Suction & Power Vibra are used in each treatment.
Is Non Surgical Liposuction really effective?
Our 4-In-1 U-Lipo® is the most powerful non surgical slimming treatment. A course of minimum 8 treatments is recommended for around 5-8 weeks with 1-2 treatment sessions taking place every week. Most of the people lose upto 8 cms from the target area after each treatment. Results are seen immediately after each treatment. So yes, it is effective.
Why to opt for U-Lipo® Treatment?
During normal exercises, your muscles contract 1-2 times per second.During our U-Lipo®sessions cause your muscles to contract 30-50 times a second. Unlike other forms of exercise which work on only about 40% of muscle fibers, U-Lipo® works on up to 90% of muscle fibers to help you strengthen muscles & develop more muscle tissue. Advantages of U-Lipo® treatmentsare-
  • Quick, efficient and effective: You can see the results immediately after a treatment
  • Cost effective: Much affordable as compared to surgical liposuction or other Laser techniques.
  • Low risk: It is completely non surgical and is therefore painless and safe. Also, clients can do all normal day-to-day activities after treatment. It is suitable for both men and women of all age groups.
  • Spot fat reduction: This is a big advantage over general diet and exercise which can reduce overall body fat, but not reshape individual areas.
  • Convenient: U-Lipo® needs 60-90 mins per week. Only one visit per week to the clinic is needed, unlike the gym, where a person is expected to spend 1-1.5 hours daily.
In conclusion, if you are wondering what to do when diet and exercise fail, and you are still determined to find a way on how to lose tummy fat fast, you still have a very safe and reliable option of using U-Lipo® for your fat reduction needs.