Friday, 27 December 2019

10 Weight Loss Ways to be Flab-U-Less

A lot of people are unhappy with the body they have. Everybody wants to be fit and have a body they would want to admire. Loose fats and flabby regions are problems that everyone wants to get rid of. If you are someone that wants to lose weight and be Flab-U-Less, then this article is the correct place for you! Here are some weight loss tips to get you started towards your dream body:
  1. Drink Water
    This point cannot be stressed enough. The benefits of drinking water are massive, and your diet plan to lose weight fast is incomplete if you don’t drink adequate water. A regular person must drink at least 7-8 glasses of water a day as it purifies your body and gets rid of all the toxins.
  2. Cardio
    Cardio fastens your heartbeat, which boosts your metabolism and burns fat. Start easy by jogging shorter distances and pacing it with brisk walking. Slowly, increase the distance that you run and eventually you’ll become a pro at running.
  3. Avoid Processed Foods
    A quick weight loss diet plan is to avoid processed foods as much as you can. It may be hard to completely cut them out, but every small step goes a long way. Processed foods contain unnecessary amounts of sugar that only add to excessive body fat.
  4. Eat in Smaller Plates
    Try to eat your meals in slightly smaller plates than you usually do. This will help to control your intake and prevent overeating. A smaller plate gets full faster and will give the illusion of more food, thus boosting your weight loss diet.
  5. Workout
    There is a wide range of workout options for you to select from- Zumba, spinning, pilates, yoga, Cross fit, etc. Choose the one that you like, or shuffle between a couple. It helps to have a trainer and fitness buddy with you for motivation.
  6. Breakfast
    Breakfast is the most essential meal since it kickstarts your day. Never skip breakfast and ensure that you eat filling meal to boost your energy.
  7. Journal
    Use an app, or go traditional with a diary, but be sure to journal your calorie count with every meal- even snacks! This will help you track what you eat and make you more conscious of unhealthy food.
  8. Fruits and Greens
    Fresh fruits and greens at regular intervals are primary in weight loss food. Try to replace dessert with a fruit and it is sure to make a major difference. Green leafy vegetables make your meals more wholesome and fresh.
  9. Don’t Starve
    Please never starve yourself in hopes of losing weight quickly. Staying hungry for long hours has adverse effects on your body in the same way that crash dieting does. Whenever you’re hungry, try eating a fruit or some nuts.
  10. Sleep
    Last, but never the least, sleep well. A well rested body is fit enough to exercise and healthy enough to function well. No diet to lose weight can make a change without adequate sleep.
Attempting to lose weight requires determination and discipline. This is a basic guide to help get you started on your weight-loss journey to being Flab-U-Less. Always remember, start small…every small step goes a long way in fitness!

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Know Your Calorie Count

Nutrition and weight loss go hand in hand. Nutritional science is an entire medical vertical that deals with the study of the effects of food on metabolism, health and performance but tracking calorie intake is something anyone can do.

The idea of counting calories became popular around the turn of the 20th century when American scientist Wilbur Atwater revealed that a “bomb calorimeter” could measure how much “energy” was present in a certain kind of food. Apart from losing weight, counting calories is recommended for anyone who wants to build mass, increase strength and boost endurance.
To put it very simply, when you diet to lose weight, you need to create a “calorie deficit” to lose weight. What that means is, you want to eat fewer calories than your body burns in a day. To do this you must know how to calculate calories in food.
For example, if your body burns 2000 calories a day but you eat only 1700 calories a day, you create a calorie deficit of 300 calories a day and you’ll lose weight. If your body burns 2000 calories a day and you eat 2300 calories a day, you’re creating a calorie surplus of 300 calories, and you’ll end up gaining weight over time.
Hence, while planning your diet plan to lose weight fast, you can create a calorie deficit by:
  1. eating fewer calories than you do now if you overeat;
  2. exercising more;
  3. a combination of (a) and (b) (usually, this is the best way because you strengthen your body at the same time)
To ease your process of planning your diet with weight loss food we have listed a few common food items and their quantity, each comprising 200 Calories worth of energy by using a calorie counter calculator:
  • 150g Eggs
  • 385g Apples
  • 28g of Butter
  • 588g of Broccoli
  • 145g cooked pasta
  • 75g of a cheeseburger
  • 51g of Fruit Loops Cereal
  • 333ml of Whole Milk
  • 55g Wheat Flour
  • 34g Peanut Butter
As you can see above, the same quantity of food can carry a vastly different number of calories. Hence, when it comes to snacking, as far as possible, replace those potato chips or buttery delights with a fruit, a glass of milk or some eggs. It is important to fulfil our hunger without stocking up on calories. The notion of maintaining a balanced diet was brought forth simply to ensure that we do not overload ourselves solely with artery clogging, high calorie food with nominal nutritional value.
Statistically, an average adult needs 2000-2500 calories a day, but this, of course, differs depending on how physically active you are. So for those who don’t hesitate to sweat in the gym, a spoonful of peanut butter is a lot less of a sin!
Although you may be tempted to opt for a quick weight loss diet plan, do keep in mind this general rule of thumb: Women, must not consume below 1200 calories and, men, must not consume below 1800 calories a day. Your body burns up most of its daily calories just by keeping your body alive—even while you’re asleep! For more weight loss tips, click here
Hence, when you diet to lose weight make sure to choose quality over quantity because eating 100g of Broccoli instead of 100g of Potato Chips means you will save on approximately 560 Calories! Therefore, make sure to plan your weight loss diet wisely. You can also make use of an online calorie calculator to track your daily calorie intake.
For, further help on how to count calories, click here.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

5 Tips to Keep & Weight Loss as a New Year's Resolution | Prettislim

The start of new year tags a famous tradition ‘The New Year Resolution’. One of the common resolutions people keep is ‘weight loss’. Study says, approximately 2.1 billion people are overweight or obese in the world, that means, obesity is a very common condition in our global population. Sticking to a new year resolution for weight loss is commonly seen amongst many, but there are many hurdles one could face. Here are a few new year weight loss tips which will help you keep up with your new year fitness resolution.
Make your goal or resolution attainable or else one could fail in achieving their goal. Plan your resolution before New Year’s Eve, instead of making 31st as a benchmark. Outline your new year weight loss plan and decide how will you deal with the temptation. Practice positive thinking and self task, or reminding yourself how your bad behavior will affect your goal.
After you’re done the planning, you need to set a daily routine. According to your preference, what is easier to follow, set it and try to follow it. Plan your routine smartly as it is a very important step to stick to your weight loss resolution. You can follow various fitness tips for losing weight, available online.
Maintaining a list on paper is one of the best weight loss motivational idea. It will also help you develop with time, at the same time the list will keep updating. Keep your list with you and refer to it when you need help in sticking to your resolution and development will be crystal clear.
For weight loss, you must have chosen a diet you wish to follow. You might need special kind of weight loss food ingredients for your meals, don’t depend on others to cook for you. Be independent and make your weight loss journey ‘Your Thing’. You can follow Prettislim Recipes which are weight loss friendly
Keep track of every small step and success in your weight loss journey. Small accomplishments will help you keep motivated. Don’t obsess over occasional slips, do the best you can each day. Celebrate your success by treating yourself to something you can enjoy that doesn’t contradict your new year’s resolution to lose weight. For instance reward yourself, with shopping or by going for a movie, but don’t break your promise to eat a better diet.
Experts say it takes around 21 days for anew activity to turn into a regular habit. Nothing can happen overnight so be patient keep trying to stick to your weight loss diet plan. If due to any reason you’re failing in achieving your goal of toned body, don’t worry, everyone deserves another chance. Start over again, check different tips for weight loss, promise yourself to work hard and before you know it, you will be back on track.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Tips to avoid your weight gain for this Christmas season

Much to our excitement, the holiday season is here once again! With the most festive time of the year being here, it is also the  that time of the year when a lot of people think that they might put on weight or people tend to put on weight due to the stress, baked goods and lots of social gatherings.
Most people are not successful when it comes to controlling their food intake which in turn affects weight. We can enjoy the holiday season even more  by avoiding holiday weight gain.
Did you know that? There is a way to avoid Festive season weight gain?
No right? So here are some tips on how to avoid holiday weight gain.
  1. Nibble whip-smartly:
It’s the holiday season and unhealthy nibbles like cookies and cakes are easily available. Consumption of these high calorie goodies can be controlled at home by keeping these treats aside but this game plan cannot be used when we are out in a party, office or at someone’s place. In case if you have a habit of nibbling just because food is obtainable and you are not hungry then the best thing is to avoid nibbles wholeheartedly. You can control the consumption these treats by nibbling in a smart way. If your hungry avoid eating unhealthy snacks and eat healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, nuts etc. Refrain from eating things which contain added sugar or fats. This is one of the best holiday weight loss tip.
  1. Engage in physical activities with friends and families:
Holiday traditions often include desk bound activities like sitting on the couch and watching movies or sports. Just sitting and not doing any thing productive will cause you to gain weight particularly when you laze around, laughing and nibbling with friends and family. The best way to keep your weight under control is to be active by doing some sort of physical activity like playing a sport or an outdoor game. This will keep your mind off food and you can bond with your loved ones.
  1. Take control over alcohol consumption:
It’s the holiday season and especially between Christmas and new year’s everyone’s alcohol consumption is a bit more than usual days. Make it a point that you drink low calorie beer, wine or vodka with soda and lime. Make sure you are well hydrated. This will ensure that you consume less alcohol. However, you should also include this in you daily diet plan to loose weight faster.
  1. Aim for minimum of 8 hours of sleep:
A person should sleep at least for 8 hours a day. Being sleep deprived is the common occurrence during the holiday season and it will cause you gain unnecessary weight. Stick to perfect sleep cycle and wake up on time and refrain from staying up to late.
These are some tips to reduce weight. If some of you guys have the mentality of “I’ll start tomorrow” change that right away get in control of your weight. If you are very serious about your weight loss, take these tips into consideration it will help considerably.