Monday, 24 September 2018

A nutritious diet, not just for weight loss but for overall health

 Nutritious Diet for Weight Loss

You want to lose weight and you type how to lose weight in a week on Google, hoping to land onto a crash diet that works magic on your body and your fat just vanishes into thin air. Well, most of the times you end up disappointed as nothing works the magic that was promised. While when it does actually work and you lose quite a lot of weight, you tend to gain it back almost as quickly as you lost it or maybe at double the speed.
What you actually need is a healthy diet plan to lose weight. A quick weight loss diet plan is not going to work in the long run, it might even be harmful to your body. It is necessary to have nutrition food for weight loss. You need to follow a balanced diet program that consists of all the necessary nutrients that your body requires, in the right quantities. A consistent intake of a balanced diet is the best diet to lose weight fast.
Also, a calorie calculator for food as well as a body mass index calculator are amazing tools to customize your balanced diet according to your body.
What is a balanced diet?
A balanced diet is a diet that consists of the right amount of calories consumed in the right form, in the form of nutrients that your body requires for its functioning. A balanced diet can be achieved by consuming the majority of your calories in the form of :-
  1. Fruits
Fruit is one of the six essential food groups recommended for a healthy diet. Fruits are the best food that can be consumed on an empty stomach. It acts as a great source of nutrition as well as a good snack. Although fruits are high on sugar, they contain natural sugars. Besides, there are several low-sugar fruits available such as citrus and peaches. It should also be noted that fruits are far more helpful when consumed in a raw form, rather than as a juice.
  1. Vegetables
Vegetables contain essential vitamins and minerals and they are full of fiber too. This makes them a crucial component of a healthy diet. There are various sub-groups under vegetables: dark green vegetables, orange vegetables, dry beans and peas, starchy vegetables and many other vegetables. All of them are great sources of nutrition, but green leafy vegetables are the ones that have the most nutrition value.
  1. Proteins
Proteins primarily help with the development of the brain, muscles, skin, and hair. A typical adult should consume a maximum 50 grams of protein per day. Meats and beans are rich sources of proteins. For those who do not eat meat; tofu, tempeh, and other soy-based products are excellent sources of protein too.
  1. Dairy
Dairy products provide essential nutrients such as Calcium and Vitamin D. Yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, dips and other cultured dairy foods, along with milk, butter and cheese are choices. These products should be taken in moderation though, as they are major sources of fats as well. 
  1. Oils
Oils should be consumed in very low quantities. It is better to opt for low-fat and low-sugar versions of products that contain oil, such as salad dressing and mayonnaise. Good oils can replace fattier vegetable oil in your diet. Olive oil can be considered as a good choice of oil, for your health.
  1. Grains
Whole grains are low in fat and high in fiber. Additionally, they contain complex carbohydrates that help you to feel full longer and prevent overeating. Whole grain bread and whole wheat flour contain whole grains as their primary ingredient. They should be consumed in the right amount.

Monday, 17 September 2018

It's harder to lose weight when you are short- Myth or Reality

Weight Loss Tips for Short Tips 
Do you have problems reaching the top shelf? Is it even harder to find an outfit of your size? These problems, that have stumbled across your way due to the fact that you are on the shorter side, might make life seem harder than usual.
Then, you hear that it might be harder to lose weight if you are short. And you hope that it’s a myth that has no logical or scientific reason behind it. Well, it’s time to find out!
Why is it harder to lose weight when you are short?
 Let’s assume that you are 5’2” and your friend is 5’8”. Then, you will be required to consume far less amount of calories than your friend in order to lose the same amount of weight; considering all the other factors including activity level and overall health, are constant.
This is because your muscle mass and the speed at which your metabolism works are directly related to each other i.e. the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you are likely to burn doing the same activity. Taller people have more muscle mass just owing to their body structure. Thus, they are more likely to burn calories faster than shorter people, while doing the same activity. This is the reason why shorter people have to follow diet tips for slow metabolism more rigorously than taller people do.
Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) determines how many calories your body burns at rest. Lean muscle mass has an impact on your BMR. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your BMR will be, and the more you can eat. Thus, higher your BMR is, the less work you have to do to account for extra calories eaten.
An average woman has a BMR of 1,400 calories per day. Women who are shorter than 5 feet have BMRs of 1,200 calories while those who are taller than 5’9” have BMRs of about 1,750 or more. These figures indicate the number of calories lost if a person sleeps for 24 hours. It is evidently clear, the taller you are, the more calories you burn with lesser effort.
So, how do short women stay in shape? 
Looking for some weight loss tips? Being short is just a roadblock in your quest to lose weight and it’s definitely not the end. You can easily lose weight if you do it the right way. We’ve got the best weight loss program for women that you can use to keep yourself in shape.
These short girl weight loss tips can help you immensely in your “quest for shape” –
  1. You need a diet plan to lose weight: In order to lose weight, you need to take in the right amount of calories that you can burn through the course of the day. It is also necessary to have the calories in the right form. Protein is really good for weight loss and so are vitamins and minerals. Protein not only keeps you fuller for longer, but it helps your body build and repair muscles -just what you need for a higher BMR. Vitamins and minerals are also very helpful for your muscle mass.
  2. Lift weights: You can catch up with the metabolic rates of your taller friends by lifting weights. Keep this in mind that the heavier you lift, the better off you are. Thus, it is better to lift 10kg weights once rather than lifting 4kg weights thrice. Since lifting weights will increase your metabolism, it will help you burn calories faster. In turn, this will help you grow thinner.
  3. Eat for your needs: While it is unhealthy to eat more than you need just to satisfy your mind, it is also unhealthy to go on a crash diet as it slows up your metabolism even further. Thus, it is in your best interests that you eat for your needs, not more or less.
  4. Consult an expert: Speak to a registered dietitian or a health expert regarding what is the best way to go forward for you. Also, there is a BMI calculator for women and calorie calculator for weight loss that will help you go about in planning your way forward in terms of your diet.
With this, we can conclude, it is hard to lose weight when you are short, but surely not impossible! With the right kind of diet and lifestyle, there’s always hope.