Monday, 20 April 2020

Probiotic for Weight Loss & Building Immunity

It’s the phase of Covid-19, where you will be advised to increase and build your immunity. You will be advised as to what to consume to stay fit and healthy or even weight loss for that sake. But it’s very essential to know and understand what is the right nutrient for your body. Putting it simply out there, Probiotics are nothing but live bacteria and yeasts that have many health benefits when consumed. Probiotics are live micro-organisms and are very important as it is essential to understand what they do, how to get them, the best way to consume them.  It can be consumed in both supplements and fermented foods. They help in improvement of digestive health, heart health and immune function. Probiotics can also help you in your weight loss journey and plays a great role in losing visceral fat i.e belly fat.
Probiotics provide necessary nutrients to a human body. Continue reading to know more about its nutrient value and how essential is it for a human body.
What Experts Say?Many studies say that, probiotic helps in weight maintenance and plays a great role in your weight loss journey. It’s a known fact that consuming probiotics helps in losing belly fat and also maintains your body temperature. If concluded, it helps in boosting your immunity and building a strong immune system in order to fight any virus or disease. Especially during this time of Coronavirus it’s very essential to have strong immunity.
Gut Bacteria can affect your body weight
There arevarious type of microorganisms in your digestive system.The majority of these are bacteria, many of them are friendly to your body system. Friendly bacteria produce several important nutrients, including vitamin K and certain B-vitamins.They also help break down fibre that the body can’t digest and turns it into beneficial short-chain fatty acids like butyrate.
There are two main families of good bacteria in the gut: bacteroidetes and firmicutes. Body weight seems be related to the balance of these two families of bacteria. People with obesity had more firmicutes and fewer bacteroidetes, compared to normal-weight people.
Probiotics Affect helps in Weight LossProbiotics may inhibit the absorption of dietary fat, increasing the amount of fat excreted with feces. They make you “harvest” fewer calories from the foods in your diet. Certain bacteria, such as those from the Lactobacillus family, have been found to function in this way.  By improving gut health, probiotics may reduce systemic inflammation and protect against obesity and other diseases. Check out Prettislim App for non-surgical method of weight loss.
Probiotics may help you lose belly fat
Studies have found that certain strains of the Lactobacillus family can help you lose weight and belly fat.  Eating yogurt with Lactobacillus fermentum or Lactobacillus amylovorus can reduce body fat by 3–4% over a 6-week period. Women taking the probiotics lost 50% more weight compared to the group taking a dummy pill (placebo).
Probiotics Can Prevent Weight Gain
Losing weight is not the only way to fight obesity. Prevention is even more important, as in preventing the weight from accumulating in the first place. Consuming a probiotic formulation called VSL#3 reduced weight gain and fat gain on a diet where people were overfed by 1000 calories per day. This indicates that some probiotic strains might be effective at preventing weight gain in the context of a high-calorie diet.
Above pointers prove the nutrient value of probiotics. What are its effects when it comes to weight loss especially if you aim to lose that belly fat. Incorporating probiotics in your diet plan is very essential and a smart move especially during this phase of Covid-19. Immunity boosting is a precautionary method and probiotics food is the solution. Prettislim can help stay fit and fight coronavirus as we have devised special diet plan in order to boost your immunity. With these diet plans Prettislim can ensure that one can avoid being a Covid-19 victim and fight against it.
If you aim at weight loss then, the easy and most distressful manner of losing weight is with Prettislim. With Prettislim’s Tummy Tuck one can reduce their belly fat in just few weeks. For more check out the Prettislim’s App or Website.
Hope that this article helped to gain the understanding of Probiotics and its benefits. Consumption of anything affects tremendously on a human body. Hence it is very necessary to have complete knowledge as to what are you consuming. There are many Probiotic ingredients and foods. Check out Prettislim’s Healthy Recipes, for further insights.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

6 foods that will boost your immunity during Covid-19

The fear of the epidemic Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) is not hidden anymore. It is very necessary to increase the capacity and boost your immune system to fight against this deadly virus. A strong immune system helps to keep a person healthy. The immune system consists of organs, cells, tissues, and proteins. Together, these carry out bodily processes that fight off pathogens, which are the viruses, bacteria, and foreign bodies that cause infection or disease. As the world reacts and reels in response to the COVID-19 pandemic—with no known treatments or vaccines yet available—it may be comforting to know that there are some foods you can turn to that can boost your immune function.
Here are few best and healthy foods that give your immune system a fighting chance:
  1. Blueberries:
    Blueberries has antioxidant properties that can help boost a person’s immune system.Researchers found that people who ate foods rich in flavonoids were less likely to get an upper respiratory tract infection, or common cold, than those who did not. Blueberry is a favourite food among all age groups, especially children. It can also help, in boosting a child’s immunity.
  2. Citrus foods:
    Most people turn to vitamin C after they’ve caught a cold. That’s because it helps build up and increase your immune system. Vitamin C is thought to increase the production of white blood cells.These are key to fighting infections.
    Popular citrus fruits include:
    • Grapefruit
    • Oranges
    • Tangerines
    • Lemons
    • Limes
Most of the citrus foods are high in vitamin C. Your body doesn’t produce or store it, you need daily vitamin C. With such a variety to choose from, it’s easy to add a squeeze of this vitamin to any meal.
  1. Broccoli:
    Broccoli is charged with vitamins and minerals. Packed with vitamins A, C, and E, as well as many other antioxidants and fiber, broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables. The key to keeping its power intact is to cook it as little as possible, or better yet, not at all. Incorporating this food in your diet plan will help in your weight loss journey and also, boost your immunity
  2. Spinach:
    Spinach is rich in vitamin C. It’s also packed with numerous antioxidants and beta carotene, which may increase the infection-fighting ability of our immune systems. Similar to broccoli, spinach is healthiest when it’s cooked as little as possible so that it retains its nutrients. However, light cooking enhances its vitamin A and allows other nutrients to be released from oxalic acid.
  3. Almonds:
    Almonds are another excellent source of vitamin E. They also contain manganese, magnesium, and fiber. Nuts, such as almonds, are packed with the vitamin and also have healthy fats. A small handful or a quarter of a cup of almonds is a healthful snack that may benefit the immune system.
  4. Green Tea:
    Both green and black teas are packed with flavonoids, a type of antioxidant. But green tea excels in its levels of epi gallo catechin gallate, or EGCG, another powerful antioxidant. EGCG has been shown to enhance immune function. The fermentation process black tea goes through destroys a lot of the EGCG. Green tea, on the other hand, is steamed and not fermented, so the EGCG is preserved. Green Tea is also an effective food for weight loss especially belly fat.
However, Prettislim’s tummy tuck is the best and easy solution to lose visceral or belly fat. You can also check out the Prettislim Healthy Recipe, to know how to incorporate these foods in your daily life in order to boost your immunity. During this hard time of Covid-19, one can take the leverage of time and use it to lose weight the Prettislim way. Unwanted fat acts as immunity detractor, however, with Prettislim you can take care of your immunity by losing those unnecessary fats.Prettislim Centres follow strict hygiene practices with highly expertise doctors. Check out Prettislim Website for more details.