Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Looking For A Summer Detox | Prettislim


Dealing with the impending scorching heat in the summer can become an increasingly difficult task, considering climate change and global warming having its impacts which spread vastly and have all too real consequences on our day to day lives. Beating the heat is difficult, however when approached in the right way it could be manageable, and often not only manageable but also enjoyable. One of the best ways to beat the heat is through a detox of your entire body.
Detoxing your body can have a significant impact on not only how you feel but also how your body functions, improving your body’s functioning making you feel healthy, happy and energized. A body cleanse diet plan can really help you to feel much healthier and happier, which is why you should definitely have a summer weight loss plan or a summer diet plan for weight loss. Detoxing can be attributed to the mind as well as your body. Keeping in mind the body aspect of detoxing, here are some of the best foods for a summer detox, the best summer detox foods.

  1. Celery is one of the most important detox foods, owing to its property of being an extremely low calorie vegetable. By virtue, when considering the fact that celery is 95% water, it is an integral negative calorie food. Celery helps with a detox by cleaning your bowel system and providing volume to make your stomach feel full with very little calories – in fact, celery actually has negative calories. It takes your body more energy to digest celery than there are in the celery itself, that’s why it is one of the best natural detox foods for summer.
  2. Cucumbers are another food made of 95% water, cucumbers are something else that you should consider when keeping a detox in mind. Eliminating toxins from the body and keeping you healthy from the inside, it has many vitamins, minerals, bioavailable components that ensure you stay healthy and toxin free, meaning it’s a great addition to your summer detox diet.
  3. Mint is herb that is often used in many different indian dishes, and for good reason. Considering the heat that is present in India, mint is a way to cool off and beat this heat, which is why it is used in so many Indian dishes: from salads to “Raitha” to “Chutney”, to even the garnishing on our Biryani, Mint is an integral part of Indian cuisine for virtue of being a heat-beating and detox agent. Inserting mint into more foods is one of the best summer detox tips.
  4. Lemons are another detox food that you should keep in mind. Lemons have natural diuretic properties and also have antioxidants and reduce water retention. They can also reduce swelling and inflammation. Due to its diuretic properties, lemons can also protect you from Urinary tract infections, which is actually a real problem that many people face. Considering all of this, lemons should definitely be in your detox diet plan for summer.
  5. Watermelon – Watermelons are an integral food, not only being tasty and refreshing, but they are also great antioxidants and hence they are a great detox food to consider when you’re looking to beat the summer heat. They are alkaline forming in the body, meaning that they can fight the toxic and acid aspects and restore a good pH balance to your stomach. A cup of watermelon only has 47 calories, so it is an extremely low-calorie snack meaning it should definitely be in your weight loss diet plan. Furthermore, watermelons are very high in dietary fiber meaning your bowel movements will be more streamlined and normalized, leading to a healthier and happier life.

Beating the heat might not always be easy, but if you eat these foods it definitely becomes manageable. Watermelons, lemons, cucumbers, mint, and celery can all help you achieve a detox state. Combined with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, you’ll be well on your way to a very successful summer detox and a happy life.

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

How Stress Can Cause Weight Gain | Prettislim

Stress is a commonly occurring phenomenon due to increased mental pressure at home or at work. After persistent stress, our bodies also show physical signs of it. Your midsection is most prominently affected , and one thing that comes to everyone’s mind is that does stress cause belly fat? Yes, it does. Stress is one of the main culprits of weight gain. Initially, you can lose weight due to stress but after a while your hunger boosts because of stress.

How stress can cause weight gain?

Your habits might change due to stressful experiences. If someone is going through a hard time can lose weight and also avoid meals.

If you going through chronic stress it may increase your appetite and as well as increase the craving for junk food. After a couple of months or a year an individual’s waistline starts expanding. Due to hormonal changes triggered by stress weight change is highly possible. When the body responses to stress it can be linked to changes in the metabolism, insulin, and fat storage.

How to reduce stress?

Stress is very common in the hectic and chaotic lives of people today. Listed below are some tips to reduce stress.
  • Workout:
Exercise is one of the most important things that you can do to reduce stress. Putting physical stress on your body through exercise might can relieve mental stress.
  • Useful intake:
Several supplements encourage less stress. The most common ones are:
  1. Ashwagandha:
Ashwagandha is an herb used in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce stress.
  1. Green tea:
Green tea contains polyphenol antioxidants which have multiple health benefits along with helping reduce stress.
  • Note it down:
Writing things down is one way to reduce stress. By jotting down things about what you are stressed about is one way of reducing stress.

How to calculate calories in food:

Counting calories is a way to reduce weight. As all packaged foods contain nutrition fact label this can be easy to do. If you want to find out the exact amount of protein carbs and fat, then you might have to do some extra math.

There are 5 steps to calculate calories in food:
  1. Adding up calories by nutrients: In most parts of the world, the food manufacturers have to, by law provide nutritional information on food products. This information is usually presented at the back in the form of a chart. The nutritional label is the place where you should look first if you are curious about what you are eating.
  2. Note the amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat amounts in a food item.
  3. Multiply each macronutrient by its caloric equivalent.
  4. Total the calories for each macronutrient.
  5. Take serving size into account.
No one likes to gain weight and a lot people must be thinking how to prevent cortisol weight gain? Listed below are a few tips regarding how to prevent stress weight gain:
  • Think twice before having your fats:
Due to stress the fats in your body don’t burn. This should be the  reason why you should aim to eat healthy fats.
  • Post meal walk:
A quick walk after a meal is said to be very good because it keeps you fit and also keeps your sugar levels under control. It will also help you to remove clear your mind which will help reduce your stress.

Yes, stress does matter but listed above are some solutions that can help you reduce stress and your weight as it is said stress and weight gain go hand in hand.