Thursday, 29 June 2017

Top 5 Tips for Non Surgical Tummy Tuck

The 21st century has not made it easy for anyone to watch their weight. With all the temptations, indulgences and disorderly way of life, keeping fit is getting harder and harder. Most of us are looking for quick fixes and ways we can stay fit, reduce our tummy fat, remain toned and reach our fitness goals. With the advancement of science at a staggering pace, there are many ways one can go about a tummy tuck. Let’s take a look at the 5 most proven solutions on how to lose tummy fat!
1. Say no to sugar!
Sugar, especially refined sugar is very harmful to your body. Your liver is the only organ that can process sugar, as a result of this any excess of sugar is directly converted into body fat.
There has been study after study that has come out demonstrating that excess sugar or fructose leads to lots and lots of belly fat. Excess sugar can also train your body to be insulin resistant and that can cause its own host of health problems and only compounds excess belly fat.
2. Prettislim’s U-Lipo Service
This nonsurgical, 4 step procedure an intelligent alternative to surgical liposuction. Ultrasound technology of U-Lipo allows a predetermined amount of energy to be focused onto the subcutaneous adipose tissue. As the ultrasound waves converge towards the targeted area, they cumulate at a certain point and produce a cavitation effect leading to mechanical breaking of the cellular membranes and the release in the intercellular fluid of the stored triglycerides which are rapidly and naturally metabolised.The Non-Ablative Radio Frequency penetrates into multiple layers of the skin, ensuring improved clinical efficacy and noticeably visible results.
Vacuum Suction, the third step is a procedure used for body sculpting & cellulite reduction. The medical effect of Vacuum Suction is realised by means of vacuum that causes the local rush of blood and lymph to skin from deep lying tissues, which exerts the reflex influence on vessels of internal organs. The last step of this procedure is a Power Vibra. A Power Vibra is a fitness training system that can increase your weight loss potential by helping you burn more calories in just 10 minutes. The Power Vibra also stimulates your muscles, improves the flow of lymph, decreases blood pressure and increases blood circulation and oxygenation.
3. Aerobic Exercises
Aerobic exercise is excellent for curtailing and burning belly fat. Vaporising calories via running, biking, swimming—anything that gets your heart rate up—wins over resistance training when it comes to getting rid of the stuff, exercise for weight loss. A recent study from Duke found the sweet spot: Jogging the equivalent of 12 miles a week will help you lose belly fat.
4. Catch enough zzzzzzz’s
Routinely catching 5 hours or less per night increases visceral fat. Not catching enough sleep de-energizes you, resulting in the consumption of more calories. If you are on an exercise routine, then it’s a good idea to get enough sleep so your body has time to recover and repair sore muscles.
5. Manage your food intake
Whenever people ask the question- How to lose belly fat? The first step of finding the solution is managing your food intake. Everyone has different dietary needs, it is important for us to understand our needs and cater to them. Most of us are not aware of our calorific or our protein requirements. We must keep a track of our food nutrients and have a diet plan that caters to our need.
We’re living in a world where we can use technology and science to optimise every aspect of life. Even our fitness and lifestyle can improve for the better by taking the right steps. We’ve given you 5 proven methods, all you need now is a focused mind and the will to achieve!

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

7 Weight-loss Rules

Our generation is constantly at war against obesity. With the turn of the millennium the number of people considered overweight has steadily increased. Obesity causes numerous health and psychological issues. We need to equip ourselves and our lifestyles with the correct practices to combat obesity.
Here are a few rules for weight loss:
1. Drink Water especially before meals
Drinking water can boost metabolism by about 24-30%
2. Have meals that are rich in protein
Having meals that are rich in protein can fill you up. You need it to build lean muscle so that it increases your metabolism burning more fat.
3. Cut back on added sugar
Added sugar is the most harmful ingredient in the 21st century diet and we are consuming too much of it. Studies show that sugar consumption is strongly linked with the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and others.
4. Don’t skip breakfast!
Skipping through your breakfast doesn’t save calories. After an all night fast the best way to jump-start your metabolism is to eat within the first half an hour of waking. When we skip breakfast we tend to compensate for it by eating overconsumption at lunchtime or later in the day.
5. Lifting weights and Aerobic exercises
When we diet to lose weight it causes muscle loss and slows down metabolism. The best way to prevent this from happening is to do some form of resistance training. Resistance training can prevent you from losing muscle mass and keep your metabolism levels high.
Aerobic exercises are an excellent way to burn calories, they help us effectively lose belly fat and the unhealthy fat that builds up around your organs and causes metabolic diseases. This is one of the best weight loss tips.
6. Sleep enough!
Sleeping is highly underrated, studies show that poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity, and is linked to a 55% increased risk of obesity in adults.When you’re tired and frazzled, your body cranks up the production of cortisol, the stress hormone that can cause carb cravings. Not getting enough sleep also boosts your levels of ghrelin, a hormone associated with hunger, while suppressing leptin, a hormone that signals fullness and satiety.
7. Don’t diet, eat healthy
Most of our diet plans for weight loss never work in the long term. Instead of going on a diet we can eat healthy and focus on being a healthier happier and fitter person. Thinking of a diet as something you’re on and suffering through only for the short term doesn’t work.
It is important to know and understand there is no quick weight loss diet plan, there’s no easy way out. Losing weight takes time and requires a thorough effort, simply consuming weight loss foods has never been enough and never will be. Having said that we have the resources and owe it to ourselves to lead a healthy life. It all starts with a positive mindset! quick weight loss diet plan

Saturday, 3 June 2017

A Quick Health Guide on Weightloss from CMD of Prettislim, Dr Puneet Nayak

The internet is a place with tons of bad weight loss information. It is extremely difficult for one to find weight loss tips that don’t come with a list of unrealistic tasks. It’s an even tougher task to find weight loss tips that are logically and scientifically backed. Fortunately, we have wise words straight from the expert, Dr. Puneet Nayak – CMD of Prettislim, on how to lose weight naturally:-
Here are Dr. Nayak’s top 5 tips for weight loss –
1. Adding protein to one’s diet
If one is thinking weight loss, ‘protein’ has to be top of mind. Protein is the king of the nutrients. RDA Of Protien is 1 gm per kg of ideal body weight for Normal Sedentary Individuals. Protein is deficient in Most of Indian Diets. A body can burn calories when digesting and metabolizing protein that it consumes. A high-protein diet pushes up the ‘calories burnt count’ by 80-100 calories per day. High-protein diets also make one feel more full, in-turn reducing the chances of unhealthy ‘in-between’ meals. A high protein diet can realistically result in reduction in consumption of up to 400 calories per day.
2. Eat whole single ingredient foods
Basing one’s diet on whole, single ingredient foods is an easy way to keep that calorie count in check. It is the easiest way to lose weight. By doing this one eliminates a variety of processed food, added fat and added sugar. Whole foods also provide the body with the essential nutrients that it needs to function well. Eating whole foods is extremely healthy and by doing this, weight loss treatment is inevitable.
3. Do some sort of cardio
Doing cardio is a great way to burn fat, keep fit and feel good. One can choose from a ton of ways to indulge in cardio. Whether it’s jogging, cycling, hiking, playing a sport or power walking, all forms of cardio provide not only physical but also mental health benefits. A quick-fix to keep one’s body weight in check, cardio is particularly effective in controlling that much-dreaded body fat.
4. Drink more water
This might be something that one comes across everywhere but Dr. Nayak cannot stress on this enough. The only reason everyone comes across this tip is because there is significant truth to it. Drinking 0.5 liters of water increases the calories burnt for the following hour. Drinking water before meals also leads to reduced calorie intake especially as one grows older. The main benefit of drinking a lot of water is using it as a substitute for unhealthy soft drinks we tend to consume casually and frequently. Drinking 12-15 glasses of water daily is advisable.
5. Add resistance exercises
When switching diets or taking up restricting diet plans, loss of muscle mass is a simple side effect that needs to be tackled with care. On losing a lot of muscle, the body also starts reducing the rate at which calories are burnt. One should never shy away from lifting some weights and reap the benefits of weight loss, healthier looks and a better mindset.
Dr. Nayak insists that despite the odds of one’s schedule and lifestyle being against weight loss, the first step is convincing the mind that this is what one truly wants. One can easily find 100 unique methods on how to lose weight fast but let’s be honest, with the way one’s daily and weekly schedule pans out, it’s almost impossible to live that 100% clean and healthy life. Whether it’s getting that quick yet unhealthy bite before the afternoon meeting or skipping a meal when caught up with work, hectic schedules do not help anyone in their quest for weight loss. Prettislim’s U-lipo program is the perfect solution for the modern day individual’s weight loss problems. By taking out just one hour in the week, instead of few hours in the day, anyone can shed a few inches off every week. A completely effective, safe and painless method to shed those kilos without the ill-effects of actual liposuction. To top it all off, U-lipo is a convenient and economical avenue to help with weight loss problems.