Friday, 31 March 2017

Fastest Way to Remove SaddleBags

Biologically, the saddlebag is not an actual body part but appear on the thighs. Saddlebags are an illusion created by the crease in between where your butt and your thighs join. When the muscles in this region are not fully developed, the area becomes soft and the fat leans outward, creating the illusion of what people call “saddlebags.” It can change the pattern of fat deposits in your body, saddlebags exercises aim at strengthening the muscles in this area, making the region metabolically active, resulting in lifting and toning the fat in this region.

If you are wondering how to get rid of saddlebags, here are some exercises that will help you reduce your saddlebags:
  1. Elbow plank and donkey kick

    Lift the fat in your butt whilst also toning your core with this plank variation.
    How to: Begin with a usual elbow plank, parallel to the ground and keep your abs engaged. Lift your leg off the ground with your knee bent and your sole parallel to the ceiling, and your pelvis parallel to the ground. Lower the leg slightly and do repetitions. Repeat with the next leg.
  2. Sumo Squats

    Also known as the plie squat, this exercise lift the fat from the crease and tone your legs.
    How to: Stand with your legs wide and squat with your toes pointing horizontally outward. Bend till your knees are vertically over your toes and then rise up. Do 10-15 of these with short 2-second breaks between each rep.
  3. The Bridge

    This medium intensity exercise tones your glutes and outer thighs.
    How to: Lie flat on your back with your hands facing downward, flat on your sides. Bend your knees and bring up your legs with your feet flat on the ground as close to your butt as you can. Lifting your pelvis upward, and hold this position for 8-10 seconds. This is one rep, continue till the end of your set- around 5-10 reps.
  4. Grasshopper Beats

    This unusual exercise strengthens your whole body and tones your glutes and your butt.
    How to: Take the standard push-up stance, swing your leg up from underneath, in a kicking motion. Swing it back in, and return to initial position. Repeat with the next leg and complete 10 kicks with each leg.
  5. While these 4 exercises gradually do help reduce fat in the area, there is a 5th, easier and faster way to do so. Prettislim’s saddlebag liposuction delivers a remarkable 95% satisfactory rate is. Thousands of clients have been successfully treated with U-lipo and these satisfied clients have made Prettislim the No. 1 Slimming Clinic in Mumbai.Liposuction saddlebags is an intelligent and feasible alternative to surgical liposuction as it is a new way to reduce unwanted fat from the body without undergoing expensive, risky and painful surgery. This liposuction for saddlebags is an effective and economical way that gives you safe and painless fat loss results by targeting fat reduction in the saddlebag region. It needs only 60-90 minutes of one visit per week and dietary solutions are also offered by in-clinic experts. Their U-lipo treatment is an ideal solution for people who wish to be fit but run short of time!

Monday, 20 March 2017

How to Stop that Double Chin

It’s a common misconception that only fat people have double chins. And rarely will losing weight rid you of your double chin. It is also wrongly believed that only old people develop double chins. While age and weight do, in part, contribute to double chins, even if you’re young and perfectly healthy, you run the risk of that unwanted layer at the bottom of your face.

Double chins are caused when a subcutaneous sheet of fat gathers around the neck and sags. Genetics and loose skin tone contribute greatly to this neck skin sagging but there are, however, numerous ways to get rid of your double chin. Double chin removal without surgery is not just possible but cheaper, less risky, and far more practical.
1. The Kiss
While standing straight, tilt your head back and look up at the ceiling. While doing so, “kiss the ceiling” and hold your lips in the puckered position for up to 5 seconds. You can repeat this exercise daily up to 20 times to kiss your double chin problems goodbye.
2. The Sticky Tongue
This activity isn’t just an exercise on how to remove double chin fat but can also be great fun! Stick your tongue out as far as you can and try to “lick your nose”. Hold this stretch for up to 15 seconds and repeat it up to 10 times for some sure-fire double chin treatment.
3. The Chin Ball
Balance a football or basketball between your chin and chest (use your hands to hold the ball in place if need be). Press your chin down against the ball and repeat this movement 20-25 times a day.
4. The Jaw Jut
One of the most common and effective ways to get the job done, tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. Push your lower jaw away from your body until your chin feels a nice stretch. Hold it for 10 seconds and then rest. This movement can be repeated up to 10 times a day.
5. The Chin Slap
Face forward and firmly slap your jaw with the back of your hand. Continue doing this at a rapid pace for 30 seconds. (Tip: Make sure you’re not doing this in the middle of a crowd!)
If these exercises don’t seem to work for you, if you want a quicker solution and don’t want to kiss the ceiling or slap yourself, it might be prudent to try Prettislim’s U-lipo Chin Tuck. This safe and tested method of double chin liposuction is far cheaper and safer than surgery. Chin lipo is increasingly common and a quick solution to that double chin that just won’t quit!

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

5 Lower Body Exercises to Target Your Butt, Hips, and Thighs

Everyone wants to be fit, however, we understand that getting there requires discipline and patience. We applaud anyone who has or is trying to take a step towards a healthier lifestyle and we want to help by giving you a little nudge in the right direction!

If you have been wondering how to reduce hip fat, working out regularly, eating right, nourishing your body with water and rest will undoubtedly bring you great results. However, sometimes, despite seeming like you’re following the right routine, you may not be seeing the desired results. In this scenario, perhaps you’re doing the right things, with the right approach but unknowingly also with the wrong technique. Often, we dive into rigorous workouts, following the basic, most common exercises. Having seen them being done multiple times, we hesitate to ask an expert for advice. This practice can cause many issues- injuries and misalignment of posture being some of them- and should be avoided at all costs! Popular exercises like squats, lunges etc. are most commonly done wrong. Consult an expert on how to remove hip fat and get the instruction and supervision to help you burn fat, increase your metabolism rate, and gain strength and muscle.
5 effective lower body exercises to target your butt, hips, and thighs are:
  1. Hip raises

    A powerful and easy exercise that targets your abdominal muscles and glutes without the use of any machinery. It uses nothing but your own body weight to strengthen your muscles!
    Method: Lie on your back, bend your knees and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Keep your hands on either sides of your body with your palm down and raise your hips and butt off the ground while simultaneously contracting your abs. Hold this position for 7-10 seconds and gently go back down.
  2. Plié squats

    This medium intensity exercise targets your hip muscles, glutes and quads. This is how to remove fat from buttocks. Can be performed with dumbbells.
    Method: Widen your legs and stand with your toes pointing moderately outward. Hold your hands out straight to either sides with your palm facing down and bend your knees till they align with your toes. Lower your arms when you come back up, and repeat.
  3. Fire hydrant

    This high intensity exercise works on building strength in your abdominal muscles. It does not require any machinery either, and uses only your body weight.
    Method: Kneel on the ground and put your palms flat down, aligned with your shoulders. Lift your leg sideways whilst keeping your knee bent, moving it away from your torso. Hold when you are at the top of this motion and gently bring your leg back in and repeat this movement with your other leg.
  4. Lateral step out squat

    This medium intensity exercise aims at your thighs, glutes and hips. Turn it up a notch by using a resistance band on the ankles.
    Method: Stand straight with your feet aligned with your shoulders. Go down into a standard squat position with your toes pointing forward and your knees aligned. Hold this position and take two steps to your right and back. Repeat on your left.
  5. Skater lunge

    A medium intensity exercise that aims at pretty much your entire lower body. It shows you how to lose hip and thigh fat by toning your thighs, glutes, hamstrings and calves.
    Method: Align your feet with your shoulders and your arms on either sides. Take a large step back with your left leg diagonally cross it behind the other. Simultaneously, raise your right arm to the side, swaying the left across your hips. Hop to the left and return to your initial position and repeat with the other leg.
We know that weight loss can be a long and daunting task. Which is why PrettislimTM launched 4-In-1 U-LipoTM, for the first time in India. The 4-In-1 U-LipoTM is a sensible alternative to surgical liposuction. You can get hip fat reduction without surgery and also acquire a buttock life without surgery as U-lipo is a great tool for Body Contouring & Body shaping, without undergoing expensive, risky and painful surgery.