Friday, 10 February 2017

These Points will help you stick with the New Year Resolution of Getting FIT

Fitness new-year resolutions are fun to make but difficult to maintain. In January, one in three people resolve to better themselves in one way or another. A smaller percentage of those people actually carry out their resolutions. A study found that 75 per cent of people stick with their goals for at least a week. After that, less than half are still on point, 6 months later. However, you can be absolutely resolute in maintaining your health and fitness strategies with these ten simple tricks and tools.

It is not a myth that breakfast is one of the most important meals. Start the day off right and eat a protein-rich breakfast. This is one nutritional trick that will help you create and maintain a great physique.
Food Journals
Put pen to paper and create a food journal. You won’t regret the time you spend filling up those pages. If you know that there’s a monitor keeping checks on what you eat, you’re less likely to get carried away when it comes to food.
Avoid Processed Foods
Your pantry may be filled with processed snacks. These are not good for your health. Don’t indulge in those late night moments of craving. It’s in your best interests to avoid processed foods at all costs.
A Fitness Partner
Seek out a motivated fitness partner. Training solo is not the only option available to you these days. A fitness partner is a person who will keep you accountable and encouraged even on days when you feel most inactive.
Extra Cardio
In addition to your regular workout try and get some extra cardio hours into your schedule. High intensity intervals on the bike, treadmill or rowing machine will incinerate fat and help your body composition. It’ll go the extra mile, literally.
Work on Weakness
If you’re not particularly good at one kind of exercise then put in more time and energy on mastering that particular exercise. Work on your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths.
Gratitude Journals
The hormone cortisol is driven up by stress, which in turn increases the fat on your body. It’s proven that gratitude journals reduce stress levels. So everyday, simply write down a few things that you are grateful for. This will also lend you some perspective into life.
You can have a fortnightly indulgence at the spa or with a massage therapist. This way you can reduce any muscle tightness you may develop. These activities can be your reward as well as incentives to keep your fitness regimen going.
Your mind is extremely powerful. You’ll be working on not just strengthening your body but your mind as well. Take some time and visualise the success that lies ahead as you pave the path to fitness and health.
Ultrasound Cavitation Treatment
If you’re wondering how to lose tummy fat, think of ultrasound cavitation treatment. This is a relatively new aesthetic treatment that uses leading edge technology. Fat deposits are converted into smaller metabolites and are naturally drained by the body’s own filtration system.
The New Year brings many delights. Among it is a clean slate. There’s no better time to get started on working on your own wellbeing. You could also consider ultrasonic cavitation treatment at Prettislim, to help you out with your fitness resolutions for 2017.

Monday, 6 February 2017

7 Fitness Hacks for the Festive Season – by Dr. Puneet Nayak, CMD, Prettislim

In India, the months of October to December are generally packed with festivals, events and celebrations. And if there’s one thing the holiday season spells here, it is overindulgence. With friends and family getting together this time of the year, there’s bound to be an abundance of food, drink and merriment. Amidst all of this, one can often forgets their diet and fitness regime and health generally takes a backseat.

Many tend to put on the pounds during this time. It’s not necessary to have to choose between the celebrations and fitness. Wondering how to lose tummy fat this season or want ways to stay slim? Here are some tips from Dr. Puneet Nayak, CMD, Prettislim Clinics
1. Stay Active
Even if sugary treats have been avoided, it’s still important to keep moving. Holidays should be about relaxing, but it’s smart to make it a point to incorporate some movement into a daily routine, even if it’s just taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
2. Tracking Fitness
The many festivities and celebrations during this time take up a big chunk of one’s time, and an exercise routine often suffers on account of this. It’s important then to keep track of the calorie intake and set aside some time in the week to exercise accordingly.
3. Have Fun with Exercises
Even if the gym can’t be managed between all the functions that need attending, there are still ways to stay active. Try making exercise a family routine. One can go for short walks with relatives, or play a sport together.
4. Set a Limit – Mindful Eating in Small Portions
One might be confronted by all sorts of delicious foods and sweet treats. But it’s not necessary to avoid indulgence completely. Setting a limit to an intake is a great way to stay fit without sacrificing on all the perks of the season.
5. Go Easy on the Alcohol
It’s common knowledge that too much of anything is not good. While a drink or two can help unwind, have one too many and the body will protest. Aside from the headaches and dehydration, too much alcohol can also lead to unsightly weight gain.
6. Stay Hydrated
Hydration is essential for the body’s maintenance. Fruit juices can help with this, but the best bet is some warm water. One needs to drink a minimum of eight glasses per day. Aside from keeping one hydrated, this will also help in avoiding overeating.
7. Non Surgical U-Lipo Treatment
For ones with busy schedules, ultrasound lipolysis offers a safe non-surgical approach to targeted fat reduction. Looking for centres offering lipolysis treatment in Mumbai?Prettislim’s 4-In1 U-Lipo, A lipolysis service, allows one to lose up to 8 centimetres in a single sitting.
Follow these simple tips which will help you spend a mindful & an enjoyable Christmas & New Year. Most importantly – feel free to totally enjoy every mouthful of whatever you choose to eat. Just stay in control of what you eat this festive season & it will send a powerful message to your beautiful inner system that you can do it any time at all for all the Year ahead.